Isblommans Siece The Day ’Maxi’
DOB: 1996-01-31

1998-06-01 SKK Nat Vännäs – Svend Lövenkjær, CERT
1998-06-28 SKK Int Gällivare – Annika Ulltveit-Moe, CERT
1998-07-05 SKK Int Piteå – John Lusk, CERT
SE UCH Barkly Quest For Fame |
Potterdale Promotion | CA CH GB CH US CH Sammara Standing Ovation |
GB CH Potterdale Persuasion |
GB CH Willowmead A Star Is Born |
GB CH Willowmead Star Attraction |
GB CH Willowmead Plain And Fancy |
SE UCH Gallivanting’s Sheer Madness |
NO UCH SE UCH Chriscaro Cagney |
GB CH Potterdale Conclusion |
GB CH Chriscaro’s Chianti |
SE UCH Midnight’s Dancing In Madness |
INT UCH NORD UCH Woolpack’s Fit-For-Fight |
FI UCH SE UCH Woolpack’s Emmanuelle |