2022-07-07 SBC Gålö John Ritchie (D) David Hyde (B)
Valpklass 4-6 hanar |
Menander Mr Kinda Typical Well balanced masculin head, Correct stop, good streinght of muscle Brod skull modern neck Moderat front angulation. Long enough in body Exellent hind angulation Short hooks Long tail. Move soundly up & back. Study sidegate. VALP 2 HP Vallklanens Get In Line Correct for sice n substance. Masculin head. Good mouth, pleasing pigment Head neds to develop. Excellent neck. Correct ?thers He has very good upper-arm & shoulder angulation. Excellent body length Long ribs. Excellent tailset and carrige. Moved very soundly back. Typical sidegate. VALP 1 HP BIR-valp |
Valpklass 6-9 hanar |
Old Castlebridge Dark As A Dungeon Great sice and substance Mascuin head of great proportions Moderate eye Pleasing pigment exellent neck Moderat front angulation good body proportions Pleasing ribs Exellent hind angulation exellent tail Sound out and back He needs to settle down on the sidegate VALP 1 |
Valpklass 4-6 tikar |
Vallklanens Don’t Think Twice Sweet femenin, correct substance Balanced head. Correct stop, Good skull Moderate neck moderat front angulation Correct body length exellent head angulation Well moved at ?. Exellent tailset and carridge. Long tail. Moves soundly out and back. Steady sidegate VALP 1 HP |
Valpklass 6-9 tikar |
Braemoor’s Wildflower Small type, lacks substance. Balanced head. Fine head. Moderat neck. Moderat front angulation. Good bodylength. To long in the loine Ecellent hind angulation Good tailset n carrige. She mobes oundly out n back. Study sidegate. VALP 2 HP Highland’s Society Nothing But Prec Beautiful type. Moderat sice and substance exellent head. Correct stop. Moderat eye exellent pigment. Moderate neck Moderat front anguation. Exellent body length Correct ribs. Good tailset and lenght She moves soundly out & back. Sidemovement needs to s? down VALP 1 HP BIM-valp Old Castlebridge Do You Love Me Correct sice. Feminin, balanced head. Moderat eye, correct stop Moderat neck. Good front angulation. Correct bodylenght. Good ribs. Moderat hind angulation. Good tailset n carridge. Moves soundly up & back stady sidegate. VALP 3 HP |
Juniorklass hanar |
Memorylane Buckle Up Buttercups Oversized, maskulin. Balanced head Needs better pigment. Exellent neck. Good front angulation. A bit to long in body Exellent ribs. ? Angulation. Exellent crup. Good tailset and carrige. Moves soundly out and back. Exellent reach and drive in the sidegate. Over all to much. EXC JUNKK 1 BIM-Junior Old Smuggler’s Blockbuster Masculin of correct size and substance Beautiful proportioned head correct stop Broad skull Good strenght of muzzle Pigment and eye colour ok Excellent front angulation Good body length correct hind angulation correct ribs Tailset could be better Tail just long enough Sound out and back Sidegate and tail carriage could be better EXC JUNKK 2 |
Unghundsklass hanar |
Farmarens Heart of Class Top size masculine male. Balanced head. Correct stop. Pleasing eyecolour & pigment Broad skull, moderat neck. Front angulation could be better. Good body lenght. Correct ribs. Moderat hind angulation. He’s hauks could be shorter. Tail lenght good. Tail carrige need to be better. Moves sound out and back. Sidegates eratic. Exellent coat texture. VG UKK 3 Hillbacka Entertainer Medium size. Good substance. Lovely balanced head Correct proportion great stop. Exellent pigment. Expressive dark eye. Moderat neck. Moderat front angulation He needs more foreleg lenght Correct body length. Correct ribs Moderate hind angulation He’s to square over the crop. Good tail lenght. Sound out & back. Tail set could be better. He carrige to much veight. VG UKK 2 Typografen’s Quirky N’Quaint Fantastic type, masculine. Correct substance Beautiful proportion head. Good strenght of under jaw. Exellent dark pigment Beautiful dark expressive eyea. Moderate neck. Wather are ok. & shoulder lenght could be longer. Upperarm is good. elbows tight. Exellent body length. good ribs. Correct hind angulation. Exellent tailset and carrige. Moves soudly out & back Fabulus coat exellent texture. EXC UKK 1 CK BHKL 3 CERT BIR-unghund |
Öppenklass hanar |
Alistair’s Good As Gold Great size. Exellent substance. Maskulin head. Correct head proportions. Beautiful eye and pigment. Moderate neck Exellent front angulation Correct body length. Good ribs exellent hind angulation. Nicley molded crop. Exellent tailset and carrige. Correct hind angulation. Soud out & back. Exellent smooth sidegate with correct reach and drive. Fabulus coat and exellent texture. Topline could be furmer. EXC ÖKK 2 CK Awniescot’s Rockery Master Medium size maskulin male. Exellent head of correct proportion. Great stop Broad skull. Good size of underjaw. Good eye and pigment moderat neck and front angulation. Exellent bodylength. Great ribs. Moderat hind angulation Lovely tailset and carrige. Correctly out & back. Ex. Sidegate, strong topline. Ex. Coat and texture. EXC ÖKK 3 CK Beardmarked’s Fuel For Life Moderat size. Correct substance. Balanced head. Flat skull, correct stop, dark eye. Pigment ok, needs more front angualtion Good body length, correct ribs. Moderate hind angulation Tail lenght ok. Sound away when coming towards. Restricted sidegate. Tailcarrige could be better. Fabulous coat ex. Texture. VG Clic’s Dream Came True Moderat size correct substance. Exellent head proport. Great stop. Good pigment. Broad skull. Good strength of underjaw Moderat neck. Needs more front angulation Great body length. To long in loine exellent hind angulation. Good tailset and length. Moves sound out & back. Stude gate in sidegate. Exellent coat texture. EXC Dynamit Vanilka Moderat size correct substance. Well balanced head, dark eye. Exellent pigment. Broad skull. Neck length ok Moderat front angulation. Good body length. Moderat hind angulation. Tailset and carrige good sound out and back. Study sidegate with good reach & drive. Exellent coat with correct texture. EXC ÖKK 4 CK Farmarens Belive In Me Maskulin male with correct substance. Well balanced head correct stop. Dark eye. Hes pigment could be better. Neck ok. Needs more front angulation. Good body length. Good ribs. Moderat hind angulation. Short tail. Moves sound out & back Sidegate Ok. Tailcarrige sould be better. Good coat texture VG Farmarens Éclair D’Amour Top size masculin male of great substance Beautiful head proportions great stop Broad flat skull Good strenght of under jaw exellent pigment Lovely dark expresional eye lovely neck Correct wathers Upperarm and shoulder length correct Good angle Good bodylength correct ribs Exellent hindangulation Short hawks Good tailset & carriage move soundly out and back Good coat texture EXC ÖKK 1 CK BHKL 4 R-CERT Heather mist Mr Sandman Topsize masculine male. Well balanced head. Correct stop. Pleasent pigment Broad skull. Moderat neck. Good front angulation. Correct bodylength. Moderate hind ang. Move soundly out & back. Tail length good. Good coat & texture. Needs to settle in sidegate. Uneven bite. VG Old Smuggler’s Clean Sweep Moderat size. Trough substance balanced head. Dark eye. Flat skull exellent pigment Moderate neck an front angulation. Good body length. Moderat hindangulation. Good ribs. Exellent length of tail. Lovely short hawks. Sound out and back. Tailset on sidegate needs to settle. Ex coat texture. VG Piece of Cakes Stand By Me Moderat size correct substance Vell balanced head. Correct stop. Dark eye and pigment. Moderate neck & front angulation Good body length Good ribs. Moderat hind angulation. Good tail length. Sound out & back. Study sidegate Ex. Coat & texture. EXC Skarnbro’s Wordwide Moderat size good substance. Vell proportion head with correct stop. Good eyecolour & pigment. Broad skull. Good underjaw. Moderate neck, correct front angulation good body length. Ribs ok. Needs more hind angulation. Good tail lenth. Sound out and back. In sidegate tail carrige needs to settle. Ex. Coat & texture. VG |
Championklass hanar |
Braemoor’s Party Trick Moderat size correct substance. Maskulin head. Broad skull. Good underjaw. Pigment ok. Short neck. Needs more front angulation. Good body length. Ribs ok. Good tailset and carrige. Needs more hindangulation. Sound out & back. Slightly restricted in sidegate. Exellent coat correct texture. EXC Braemoor’s Spitfire Exellent size and substance. Maskulin head of great proportions. Great stop. Brod skull good strength of underjaw. Good eye and pigment. Moderate neck. ex. Front angulation. Good body length. Ribs ok. Exellent hindangulation. Great crop. Good tailset and carrige. Sound move out and back. ex. Coat & texture. EXC Farmarens All In Top Size. Correct substande. Beautiful head proportions. Correct stop. Dark eye. Good pigment. Broad skull. Exellent reach of neck. Correct watners. Correct front angulation. Correct body proportion. Good ribs. Exellent hindangulation. Good crop & tailset and carrige. Good tail length. Smooth sidegate. Move sound out and back. Beautiful coat and top presentation. EXC CHKK1 CK BHKL 1 BIR Farmarens Dark N’Handsome Top size of good substance. Maskulin vell balanced head. Correct stop. Broad skull. Good underjaw. Dark eye. ex. Pigment. Moderate neck. Needs more front angulation, good body length. A bit long in loin. Good tailset & carrige. Sound out & back. Stidy driv in sidegate. Ex. Coat & texture EXC CHKK oplac CK Farmarens Victorius Valentino Medium size. Good substance. Correct head proportions. Great stop broad skull. Dark eye. Good pigment. Needs a stronger muscle. More underjaw. Moderat neck and front angulation. Good proportions. Great rib. Moderat hindangulation. Good taillength. Moves sound out & back. Study sidegate. Ex. Coat condition. EXC Farmarens Xplosion In Black Top quality male. Correct size and substance. Fabulus head. Proportions. Great stop lovely dark eye. Exellent ? . good muscle exellent pigment. Flat skull. Moderate neck exellent front angulation. Correct wathers. Good deept of chest. Exellent topline. Good ribs. Correct hind angulation. Good tailset & carrige. Moves soundly out & back. Ex. Driving & coordinated sidegate. Correctly balanced and with fabulous coat. EXC CHKK 2 CK BHKL 2 Goonie’s King Of The Sun Moderate size good substance balanced head correct stop dark eye god underjaw exellent pigment broad skull moderate neck moderate front angulation good body length exellent rib exellent hind angulation good tailset carriage mobes sound out & back powerfull sidegate exellent coat texture EXC CHKK 3 CK Goonie’s Knight To Remember Top size male of good substance masculin outlook correctly balanced head corect stop broad skull good underjaw dark expressive eye exellent pigment. Moderate neck excellent front angulation good body length excellent hind angulation good taillength. Sound out & back powerfull sidegait tailcarriage could be better exellent coat texture EXC Heather Mist Rebel Rebel Fabulus typ. Exellent size and substance. Great head proportions. Great stop. Flat skull. Good underjaw. Dark expressiv eye. Exellent pigment. Moderat neck & front angulation. Ex. Body length, great ribs ex. Hindangulation Lovely crup. Ex tailset & carrige. Completly sound out & back. Sound driv in sidegate. Fabolus coat and texture. EXC CHKK 4 CK Hillbacka Bodyguard Correct size and substance. Balanced head broad skull. Good underjaw. Dark eye exellent pigment. He needs more stop. Moderat neck. Good front angulation Great body proportions. Good ribs. Exellent hindangulation. God tailset and carrige. Sound out & back. Ex. Sidegate & exellent coat and texture. EXC Old smuggler’s Subzero Hero Small male pleasent substance. Balanced head. Pigment ok. Good underjaw. Broad skull. Moderat neck. Needs more front angulation. Good bodylength. Needs more hind angulation square over the rup. Tail is just long enough. But sets to high. Move soundly out & back. Sidegate could be stydier. VG One Man Show De La Tour Melusine Modern size, good substans. Good head proportions. Correct stop. Dark expressive eyes. Underjaw ok. Exellent pigment. Exellent neck. Great front angulation. ex. Body proportions. Good ribs. ex. Hind angulation tailset ok. Tail to short. Moves soundly out & back. Ex. drive in sidegate. Ex coat of great texture. EXC CHKK oplac CK |
Veteranklass hanar |
Alistair’s Teach Me Tiger Moderat size good substance. Vell balanced head. Needs a bit more stop. Broad flat skull. Good strength of underjaw. Exellent pigment, dark eye. Moderat neck & front angulation ex. Body length. Good ribs ex. Hind ang. good length of tail moves vell out & back. Powerfull sidegate. EXC VETKK 2 Memorylane Undercover Flash Top size male. Balanced head dark eye correct stop. Exellent pigment. Dark expressive eye. Moderat neck. Correct angulation. To long in the ?. Modern. Hindangulation Good tail length. He needs to be farmer going away & back. Losing his topline in sidegate. Tailcarrige could be better. In super condition. VG VETKK 4 Nickelby’s Umber Knight Correct size and substans. Masculin vell balanced head. Good eye. Moderate neck and front angulation. Good body length. Moderat hindangulation. Good tailset & carrige. Sound out & back. Good coat great texture. VG VETKK 3 TV Vanilka Top size male of good substance. Maskulin vell balansed head. Great stop. Dark eye, good pigment good strength of underjaw. Moderat neck and front angulation. Good ribs, moderat hindangulation exellent crop, tailcarrige, sound out & back. Study sidegate. EXC VETKK 1 BIR-veteran |
Juniorklass tikar |
Alistair’s Million Dollar Baby Nicely animated brown good head, eye toning with coat, nice front, nice dep and lended would like a little less weight, moved well little proud tail EXC JUNKK 2 Alistairs My Cup Of Tea Nicely shape Brandle nice eyetone. Would like stronger pigment can come with age, nicely balance both end nice topline carry a little too much weight make her roll. EXC Braemoor’s Caught My Fancy Lovely carakter nicely balance head, with lovely expression would like little more angulation on the shoulder and a littel more lenght in back, moved fluently, nice easy action EXC Farmarens Joy of Life Little more strength of skull nicely length of back would like a longer rib, a little less angulation behind, seattle on the move nicely presented EXC Goonie’s Merry and Bright Lovely carring a lot of coat nicely balanced head, nice length of neck, balanced both end, move well carring a little too much weight make her rolled, well presented EXC JUNKK 1 CK BTKL 4 BIR-Junior Memorylane A Mile A Minute Lively girl, would like better better strengt around the rear. Nicely presented. Would like little more length of rib, a little more weight to give her a nice finish EXC Old Smuggler’s Movie Star Nicely balanced head would like a darker eye, nice set on neck, would like slighter longer upperarm and a little more length of back EXC Old Smuggler’s Rhapsody in Blue Blue girl, with nice eye and pigment, her bite needs to improve a little cause over the shoulder, but nicely balanced, nice easy mover EXC JUNKK 3 Victory Wind’s Sweet Dream at Honey Brown carring a lot of coat, well booned, a little cause over shoulder like a little mor shape over the rib, moved fluently nice topline, well presented EXC JUNKK 4 |
Unghundsklass tikar |
Alistair’s Jenny On The Block Lovely head and expression nice set on of neck, nice front and rear, moved well, lovely topline, nice easy mover EXC Alistair’s Joyride Nicely balanced girl, good boone, nice deph of chess would like little more lenght of rib moved well. Nice level topline EXC Farmarens Haute Couture Up to size eye coulor matching coat. Nice forechess, nice shape of rib, would little less angulation at the rear, nice easy mover, with delightful temperament, well presented EX UKK 2 CK La-Fajas Romantic Rose Up to size Brande Nice head and expression, nice set on neck, would like a little more layback shoulder nice length on back, carring too much weight make her roll on the moved EXC UKK 3 Lärkängen’s Joy To The World Brand with nice eye and pigment little cause on the shoulder would like more shape to the rib, nice mover, well held tail EXC UKK 4 Old Highland’s Platinum De Luxe Solid build girl, lovely head and exprssion little cause over the shoulder nice dept of rib, would like her just a little longer, moved well EXC Vallklanens Worth The Wait lovely head would like a little darker eyes, nice ? And dep of rib, nice rear and easy mover, with very little effort EXC UKK 1 CK BTKL 2 R-CERT BIM-unghund |
Öppenklass tikar |
Beardmarked’s Hot Suited Brand girl in full coat nice head and eye, would like little more angulation on the front and a little more shape to the rib nice length of back, moved O.K. EXC Beardmarked’s Reb’L Fleur Very dark brown, would like darker eyes, would like a little more angulation both end and a little more shape on the rib and on the move faded? The front leg. EXC Braemoor’s Fennes Felicity Most beautiful expression of the dog, nice set on the neck with balanced angulation front and rear, nice shaped chess, fluent mover, cover the ground Super temperament well handled and presented EXC ÖKK 1 CK BTKL 1 CERT BIM British Spirit Tullibeardie Dark sleit lovely head and eye, nice forechess, balanced front and rear, nice length of back coming from rib, carry too much weight makes her roll on the move EXC ÖKK 3 CK Clic’s Charming Magnolia Lovely blue girl, good pigment and eyes super coat coulor, nice set in neck, good front end rear, good dept of chess, moves well can be proud of her tail, can spoil her outline EXC Farmarens Back In Black Underjaw needs to be stronger K.9 are very tight in her month would like her little more confident nicely handled, and very good VG Fjällglimtens No Mountain Too High Nice head and eye nice expression nice set on the neck, with good forter, nicely balanced good length of back, moved well carring too much weight make her rolled in the move. EXC ÖKK 4 Lärkängen’s I Already Know Nice brown good pigment and eyes more definition of stop, nicely balanced angulation, well presented, moved well when she put her mind to it. EXC Memorylane I Zteel Hearts Striking black and shite nice head and expression like a little more laidback on shoulder good depp. Would like her just a little longer well presented, and handled. EXC Old Smuggler’s Razzle Dazzle Black and White like moore strenght in underjaw, a bit more clear at K9 have a nice shape and balanced unfortunatly today shy in confident. VG Tolkien’s Dream Pearl Dark Brown Good eye and pigment nice set on neck, balance angulation. Nice depth of rib good length of back would like a lover set tail, wich distract on the move, nice hash coat EXC Vallklanens Sensational Selen Brown girl nice head and expression lovely set on neck, nice front ensemble good depht of rib nice length of back, nice rear and free easy mover, have to lose a few pound. Beutiful presented and lovely standing EXC ÖKK 2 CK |
Championklass tikar |
Alistair’s Déjà Vu lovely expression soft eyes lovely outline standing balance fore and back nice quality coat good length of back, moved positivly EXC Cool Heart’s Beyond Breathless Big girl, lovely temperament. Nice head and eye, good balance angulation, a little proud of her tail on the move, lovely free and easy mover EXC Cool Heart’s Bisous Pour Toi Lovely kind expression with nice balance front and rear lovely outline standing, moved well, effort Movement, in full coat, and nice finish EXC Cool Heart’s Brilliant Step Lovely girl super temperament lovely head and eye with melty expression, nice set on neck, balance angulation fore and back good length of back lovely presentation and handling to get the best of her. EXC Farmarens Étoile Du Nouvel An Lovely outline standing lovely head and eye balanced lovely dep and shape of rib good length of body, wich hash coat, well presentated, moved fluently with little effort EX CHKK 3 CK Farmarens Vanilla On The Rocks Black and white with superb head, and wonderful expression lovely stop and strength of skull, nice set on neck, nice front, nice dept of chess and good length of back lovely free mover EXC CHKK 1 CK BTKL 3 Fjällglimtens Northern Light Good head nice pigment, nice outline standing well rounded croup, balanced both end, move well when setteld EXC Heather Mist Million Reason’s Lovely caracter, nice size, good expression, nice balanced head, nice length for back and balance both end, on the move very flueld, cover the ground, well presented and handeld EXC CHKK 2 CK Hillbacka Awesome Lovely temperament, Super line outstanding lovely dept of rib and nice nicely balanced all throug. Little pride of her tail on the move wich spoil her outline EXC Memorylane Let Me Entertain U Beutiful glow image eye and pigment. Lovely coat colour and condition nice forter and length and dep of rib good length of back, easy mover, delightful temperament EXC CHKK 4 CK Memorylane Shezall that Glitters Super temperament lovely outline standing, nice head good set on neck, nice front, dep chess, lovely lengths of back, in full coat well presented and handled EXC |
Veteranklass tikar |
Edenbridge Chocolate Shock Nice brown and whiteead good angulations both and nice eye and pigment, moved easy and freely for her age EXC VETKK 1 CK BIM-veteran Kindle Passion Wunderkind 10 year old lovely outline nice head and exp balance fore and good dep of rib good length of back in full coat and wellpresented EXC VETKK 2 CK |
Avelsklass |
Braemoor’s Spitfire med hundarna: Alistair’s Million Dollar Baby, Alistairs My Cup of Tea, La-Fajas Romantic Rose & Old Smuggler’s Razzle Dazzle Even group correct for size and substance Balanced heads. Great body proportions. Good tempraments. Very even. All moved well 2 HP Farmarens Zip Your Lips med hundarna: Farmarens Éclair d’Amour, Fjällglimtens No Mountain Too High, Fjällglimtens Northern Light & Farmarens Étoile Du Nouvel An Very even type. All simular head quality and expression. Lovely pigment. Good construction, sound and typy movers. Exellent projeny over all. 1 HP |
Uppfödarklass |
Braemoor’s med hundarna Braemoor’s Party Trick, Braemoor’s Spitfire, Braemoor’s Caught My Fancy & Braemoor’s Fenne’s Felicity Even for typ, size and substance. All correct head proportions great type eye colour. Moderat front angulation sound behind. Sturdy movers. 2 HP Farmarens med hundarna Farmarens Éclair d’Amour, Farmarens All In, Farmarens Dark N’Handsome & Farmarens Xplosion in Black All very even for size and type Beautiful heads correct proportions. Dark eyes. Exellent pigment. Well put together. Good body proportions. Sound study movers. Bästa grupp! 1 HP |