2018-07-14 SBC Tånga Hed ”Kannan” Bryony Harcourt-Brown
Valpklass 4-6 hanar |
Alistair’s Dressed to Impress 4 months slate & white. Very good pigment and month. Coming in with well set canines. He has a good front with fair reach of neck and a good ribcage. His topline is good and he has good length of tail I think his coat texture will be good. Nice balance mover. 1 HP BIM-valp Hillbacka Bodyguard 4 months slate. This puppy has a good head. His eye could be darker. In the middle of chaning teeth, and his canines need to ? and clear the gums. Fair reach of neck. He could have more shoulder & upperarm angulation. Good length, nice rib. He moved a little close behind, but the best profile reach in the class. 2 Piece of Cakes Stand By Me 4 months slate. Smaller than the other 2 in class. Balanced head. A little light in eye. Good month, with canines clear of the gums. Nicely balanced puppy with ? front & rear angulation. Good rib, topline & lenght of tail. If he makes size. I think he will be a will balanced dog. Moved fairly well. 3 |
Valpklass 6-9 hanar |
Old Highland’s Conquer the World Slate & white, 7 month old. Long skull & foreface. Reasonable eye clour. Very good month with large feeth. Fair reach of neck. Could have more shoulder & upperarm angulation. Good lenght of back. Good hind angulation & lenght of tail. Has good reach and drive when he gets in to a stride. 1 HP |
Valpklass 4-6 tikar |
Hillbacka Botox 4,5 month, slate with lovely head & good eye colour. Month is changing and canines needs to clear the gums. She has a reasonable reach of neck. Good lenght to height. Nice short hocks. Good lenght of tail. Well presented and looks as if her coat texture will be very good. Moved reasonable well. 1 HP |
Valpklass 6-9 hanar |
Old Highland’s World Winner 7 month old slate with very nice head & good eye colour. Good lenght of neck. Good front angulation. Level topline and good depth of chest. Good hind angulation & well set tail. Her coat is little wavy but of good texture. She is a balanced mover, although with a little more lift of her feet than I prefer. 1 HP BIR-valp |
Juniorklass hanar |
Cool Heart’s Bond James Bond 14 month dark slate. Good eye colour & a nice head. Good lenght of neck. Nice topline. Good hind angulation with well carried tail. He is a balanced dog with typical balanced movement and good reach of stride. Would like him to carry more weight & body. I hope his level bite does hot worsen. EXC KK 2 CK Heather Mist Rebel Rebel 14 months slate. Nice head proportions. Soft eye. Tight sissor bite. Reasonable reach of neck. I would like a little better in shoulder. Level topline. Good hind angulation. Well presented. A flashy mover with balanced side action, but a little more lift to hind feet than I prefer. EXC KK 1 CK |
Unghundsklass hanar |
Beardmarked’s Stormbringer 1,5 year slate with masculine head and kind eye. Good bite. Good lenght of neck. Could have a better shoulder angulation. Good ribs and level topline. His coat is of good texture. He moved soundly but could have more reach & drive. Nevertheless a nice typical dog. EXC KK 3 CK Farmarens All In 18 months slate. Nice head although would prefer a darker eye. Good bite. Good reach of neck. Level topline. Good tailset & hind angulation. He his a very good coat texture and scores being. Very well balanced for himself in construction so that he is a balanced & free mover. EXC KK 1 CK BHKL 2 CERT Bästa unghund Goonie’s Knight to Remember 20 month light grey. With a masculine head. Good pigment. Eye toning with coat. Sufficient neck and front angulation. Level topline. God depth of rib and good hind angulation. His tail is fractionally high set. He is a free mover with ? Good coat texture. EXC KK 2 CK Heartbreaker El’ Bridorado 22 months slate. He has a masculine head. Both canines very tight in to his gums. Good lenght of neck. Good depth of chest and good hind angulation. Good coat texture but a bit heavily trimmed. Moved freely. VG KK 4 |
Öppenklass hanar |
Alistair’s All Inclusive 2 year old slate. Lovely eye colour & expression. Would prefer a better bite. Balanced head. Good lenght of neck. Level topline. Well angulated rear. Nice coat texture. Free mover. Typical dog in shape & proportions. VG Beastly’s Aberdeen Angus 3 year old slate. With nice head. Good pigment & eye colour. Level bite. Good lenght of neck. Good depth of chest. Well angulated rear. His coat texture is good and he is well presented. Rather over weight, so loosing his topline on the move. VG Braemoor’s Party Trick 2,5 year old brown with a lovely head & eye colour. Strong & balanced skull and muzzle. Good bite & pigment. This is a very typical Beardie with balanced construction. Good depth of chest. He has lovely coat texture. Is a balanced free mover. EXC KK 2 CK Braemoor’s Spitfire 3 year old brown. With lovely head & eye. Good bite. He has a good lenght of neck & nice front angulation. Good depth of chest. With level topline. Good lenght of weight Well set tail. He is particularly Well muzcled. Lovely quality coat. He moved freely but with more hind foot lift I prefer. EXC CK Farmarens Yackety Yak 2 year old brown with strong head & eye colour. Good month Good lenght of neck. Very good upperarm angulation. Good depth of chest. Level topline. Could have a little more drive on the more. His coat is a bit immature. But he is a nicely balanced & typical Beardie. EXC Farmarens Star Of Viking 2,5 year old dark slate with good head and good eye colour. Good bite & pigment. He has a good lenght of neck and his angulations both front & rear are balanced. Level topline. Well presented. I would like him a little longer in body but othervise nice. EXC Farmarens Xplosion In Black 2 year old dark slate. With strong skull. Good eye colour, pigment & bite. He has good lenght of neck. Good depth of chest and good lenght to height proportion. A free mover with more hind extention in proportion to drive than I prefer. But a typical Beardie. Well presented, nice coat. EXC KK 3 CK Heather Mist Express Yourself ? coated 2 year old slate. With good head & eye colour. He is well balanced through out. With balanced free movement and a very typical Beardie. I would like a better ribcage, but othervise a part from his heavy coat with lots of under coat I like him very much. EXC KK 1 CK BHKL 4 R-CERT Lärkängen’s First In Line 2 year old blue. With nice head. Needs to darker in eye. His pigment is good. He is well balanced through out. With level topline. Coat texture is good. I would like better ribcage. But he is a free & balanced mover. EXC KK 4 CK Moonpack’s Trans Am 5 year old fawn. With lovely head, eye colour & pigment. He is well made through out, with a good bite and sound construction. He has a good depth of chest and level topline. A lovely mature harsh coat. A honest type of Beardie. So I forgave his trimming EXC Nickelbys Umber Knight 7 year old brown dog with lovely eye colour. Good pigment, level bite. He has good lenght to height. Loosing his topline standing & on the move today. His coat is a good texture. Typical Beardie. VG Synvillans Nobel Tangolover 4 year old slate. With a particulary good head & broad flat skull and strong foreface. Very good pigment & dark eye. He is well balanced through out. With a deep rib. His coat texture is good and he has free balanced movement. EXC CK |
Championklass hanar |
Alistair’s Way Of Life 4 year old dark slate with lovely head & eye. Good pigment. Har a good lenght of neck, nice front level topline and good depth of chest. Excellent lenght to height and s balanced dog. Typical with a very good coat. EXC Alistair’s Xcellence 4 year old slate. Attractive dog with a nice head & good eye. Well balanced through out. Level topline and good depth of chest. He is a free mover with lovely coat texture. EXC CK Beardmarked’s Troll On Parole 3,5 year old brown. Lovely strong head with lovely eye colour. Good pigment. Level bite. Good lenght of neck. Level topline. Well muscled. Would prefer a little more drive behind othervise a very typical Beardie with lovely coat texture. EXC Braemoor’s Boundless Joy 4 year old dark slate. With lovely head. Good pigment & bite. Well coloured, kind eye. Well constructed through out with a deep chest. Beautifully presented. Harsh coat with typical under coat. Moved freely. EXC KK 3 CK Farmarens Take Me To The Circus 3,5 year old slate, with an exeptional skull, broad & flat. Good pigment eye, eye colour & month. He is well constructed through out with typical coat of good texture. Level topline. He is immaculately clean & stands out with his markings. Beautifully handled. EXC KK 2 CK BHKL 3 Heather Mist Hakuna Matata 2,5 year old slate. With an excellent head with broad flat skull & strong foreface. Good eye colour, month & pigment. He is well constructed & balanced through out. With a level topline. Exc lenght to height & good coat texture. Moved freely with reach & drive. EXC KK 1 CK BHKL 1 BIM Hillbacka Addition 2 year old slate with good head. Dark eye, good good pigment. Good lenght of neck. Level topline. Good depth of chest. Good lenght to height. Harsh coat. Moved freely. But his hind action is too flamboyant nice. EXC Lärkängen’s Everything For You 3 year old slate with good head & eye. Typical Beardie with good depth of chest & lenght to height proportions. His coat is good and of good texture. Moved freely just a little proud of his tail. EXC Memorylane Lance Charmstrong 3 year old slate. With strong head & dark eye. Good pigment. Well made through out. With deep chest & level topline. A free balanced mover with good coat texture. Well presented. EXC KK 4 CK Potterdale Golddust 8 year old fawn dog with good eye colour & pigment. Flat skull. Good lenght of neck and front angulation. He has lovely lenght of height. Good depth of chest. He is a free mover. EXC CK Silesian Diamonds Moris Prime 3,5 year old dark slate with good head & eye. Good pigment. Nice lenght to height. Good depth of chest. Would like a slightly better front which was causing him to loose topline, but a typical Beardie. EXC |
Veteranklass hanar |
Goonie’s Highlander Lad 9,5 year old slate. With good head & eye colour. Good lenght of neck. Deep chest. Level topline. Good coat texture. Moved freely. EXC KK 2 Ramsgrove Borkason 10 year old dark slate. Lovely head with dark eye. Super expression. Well made through out. Excellent proportions. He is a really typical Beardie with lovely coat. And a free mover. EXC KK 1 CK Bästa veteran |
Juniorklass tikar |
Alistair’s Better Than Chocolate 13 months brown. Nice head shape with toning eye colour. Good lenght of neck. Nice lenght to height. Good depth of chest. Well set tail. Good coat texture. A balanced mover. And she is an excellent size. EXC KK 3 CK Beardmarked’s Copper A’ Heavy Metal 11 months brown with nice head and excellent eye colour comming. Good lenght of neck. Lovely lenght to hight. Level topline. Nice quality coat. Well presented. She moved freely with plenty of reach. EXC KK 2 CK Cool Heart’s Bisous Pour Toi 14 month dark slate. A bigger bitch. With good head, lovely dark eye. Good lenght of neck. Good length of back but a little long in loin. She moved freely with reach & drive. Nice coat texture. EXC Cool Heart’s Brilliant Step 14 months slate. With nice head & eye colour. She has a good lenght of neck & lovely front angulation. Her ribcage is the right shape & depth. With level topline. Well set tail. She has balanced construction & free balanced movement with good lenght of stride. EXC KK 1 CK BTKL 2 CERT Bästa junior Lärkängen’s Gettin Jiggy Wit It 14 months slate tricolour. Lovely head & eye. Good lenght of neck. Well balanced through out and a sound mover. She has a lovel topline. Good depth of chest & tail set. EXC KK 4 Memorylane Deviliscious Dot Com 14 months slate. Nice head & eye. Good lenght of neck. Good shoulders & upperarm. Level topline. Nice hind angulation. Well set tail. Good coat texture. A free mover. EXC |
Unghundsklass tikar |
Braemoor’s Fenne’s Felicity 17 months slate. With lovely head & eye. Nice pigment. Good bite. Good lenght of neck. Lovely shoulder & upperarm. Level topline. Good depth of chest. Well set tail and good coat texture. She is a free a& balanced mover. EXC KK 1 CK Goonie’s Keep Shining 20 months slate. With good head & eye colour. Good bite. Good lenght of neck. Good shoulder & upperarm angulation. Level topline. Good hind angulation. Lovely coat. Well presented. A free mover but a bit proud of her tail. EXC KK 2 CK La-Faja’s Never Say No to Nougat 17 months brown. Good head with good eye colour. Good lenght neck. With good shoulder & upperarm angulation. Level topline. Lovely coat texture comming. A free mover. EXC KK 3 |
Öppenklass tikar |
Beardmarked’s Attitude Of Gratitude 2 years, brown. With lovely coat colour. Very nice head proportions. With lovely eye colour. She has a good front. Level topline. Exc lenght to height. Nice hind angulation. Moves well in front but she is tending to put her tail up which spoils her rear movement. EXC Beardmarked’s Just Push Play 3 year old fawn. With nice head proportions. Good eye & bite. She is soundly constructed. And a typical Beardie. Moved freely with reach & drive. She has a good topline & tail carriage. EXC Farmarens Zip Your Lips 2 years slate. With nice head, good bite, good eye colour. Good lenght of neck. Lovely lenght to height proportion. Good coat, well presented. Carrying a bit too much body, which effects her movement and makes her a bit round in ribcage. EXC Goonie’s Jewel In The Crown 3 years old dark slate. With lovely head & eye. Good bite & pigment. Nicely made all through. With nice lenght to height. Good hind angulation. Very good coat. A free mover. She id a lovely size & type. EXC KK 4 Heather Mist Having A Blast 2 years slate. Nice head. Good eye colour, pigment & bite. Nice size. With balanced construction. She has a nice depth of chest. Good hind angulation. She moved freely & soundly EXC KK 2 CK Lärkängen’s Friend Like Me 2 year old slate. Good head & eye. Good pigment & mouth. She has a good lenght of neck. With lovely shoulder & upperarm. She has excellent depth of chest. Well set & carried tail. Coat texture is good. Lovely fluid mover, keeping a topline. EXC KK 1 CK R-CERT Memorylane Say Wow Right Now 2 years slate. With good head and eye colour. Good pigment & bite. Lovely front. Excellent ribcage. She has a level topline. Good hind angulation. Nice coat. Just a bit over exited on the move, which shortens her stride in front. EXC KK 3 Old Highland’s Beauty Queen 3 year old fawn. Good breath of skull. With god eye colour. Good lenght of neck. Good lenght to height. Kept a level topline & moved freely. Toeing in a little in front, but a typical Beardie. EXC Potterdale Rhyme Or Reason 3 year old slate. With good head & nice skull. Good pigment & eye colour. Good lenght of neck. Good depth of chest. Lovely coat. Looks really good standing but raises her tail in action which spoils her topline. EXC Sweet Enola’s Fly High 4 years, slate with nice head proportions. Good eye colour & pigment. Good lenght of neck. Nice shoulder & upperarm. Level topline. A free mover. EXC Synvillans Nobel Hazel Love 4 years, slate. Good head & eye. Hood pigment & mouth. She has good lenght of neck & very nice upperarm. Coat texture is good. She has nice lenght height. Moved freely. Just a bit overweight. EXC |
Championklass tikar |
Alistair’s Talk About Love 5 years, slate. Lovely head, dark eye. She has good lenght of neck & good front angulation. Level topline. lovely coat. Free mover. Well balanced in construction. Carrying just a little too much weight. EXC Alistair’s Xellent Xample 4 years, slate. With good head. Which is well proportioned. Nice eye & pigment. Correct bite. Good lenght of neck. Good lenght to height. Well balanced and a free move. Good coat. Very typical. EXC CK Cool Heart’s A Kind Of Magic 4,5 years old dark slate. Good head & dark eye. Good pigment. Good lenght of neck. Good coat. Good lenght to height and deep rib. EXC Double Scotch Black Rosalinda 8 year old dark slate. Good head & dark eye. Nice proportions lenght to height. Well angulated hindquarters. Unfortunatly she was slightly lawe in the ring. KEP Edenbridge Chocolate Shock 6 year old brown with lovely head and super dark eyes. Good pigment. Good lenght of neck. level topline. Super quality coat texture. Moved freely. Lovely temperament. EXC Farmarens Ultra Chic 3,5 year old, slate. Beautiful head & eye colour. Lovely pigmentation. Just fabulous. EXC KK 1 CK BTKL 1 BIR Farmarens Vanilla On The Rocks 2,5 years old slate. lovely head with dark eye & good pigment. Well made through out. Lovely proportions through out. Moved freely, althrough with a little bit of lift in front due to excitement otherwise super. EXC KK 2 CK BTKL 3 Heather Mist Hot Honey Rag 2,5 year old slate. With a lovely head & eye colour. Good lenght of neck. Level topline. Good depth of chest. Moved freely and showed well. EXC Hillbacka Awesome 2 year old slate. Good eye colour & head, good pigment. Good lenght of neck. God lenght to height. Level topline. She moved freely with reach & drive, covering plenty of ground. EXC CK Honeytaste Fashion Star 3 year old slate. God head proportions. Nice eye colour. Good lenght of neck. Level topline. Moved with reach & drive. Nice coat texture. EXC Lärkängen’s Forever In Your Mind 2 year old blue with good head & eye colour. Good lenght of neck. With good front angulation. Level topline. Good depth of chest. Well angulated rear. Moved freely with reach & drive. EXC KK 4 CK Memorylane The Divine Miz M 6 year old dark slate. Lovely head & eye. Excellent reach of neck. Lovely topline. Good depth of chest. Nicely angulated rear. Good length to height. Moved freely with reach & drive. EXC KK 3 CK BTKL 4 Old Highland’s Amazing News 3 year, dark blue with lovely eyes & pigment. Very nice head proportions. Well constructed through out. With lovely coat texture. Moved freely. EXC |
Veteranklass tikar |
Bushblades Ready To Rejoice 10,5 year old slate. Lovely head & eye. Looks about 2 years old! 1n super condition. Well constructed through out. And showing happily. Lovely coat. A credit to the owner. EXC KK 1 CK Farmarens Kerry Kilkenny 8,5 year old slate with good head & eye. Good lenght of neck. Well angulated front. Moved with reach & drive. Well presented coat. In lovely condition. EXC KK 2 CK Lärkängen’s Trendy Miss Wendy 11,5 years old slate. With nice head and good eye. Well constructed through out. In super condition for her age. With good coat. Moved soundly with reach & drive. EXC KK 3 CK |
Uppfödarklass |
Farmarens, deltagande hundar: Farmarens All In, Farmarens Take Me To The Circus, Farmarens Ultra Chic, Farmarens Vanilla On The Rocks This is a group of very high quality Beardies. This group scores in reach in movement. 1 HP Braemoor’s, deltagande hundar: Braemoor’s Party Trick, Braemoor’s Spitfire, Braemoor’s Boundless More, Braemoor’s Fenne’s Felicity This is a lovely group of Beardies. Very well constructed. This group scores in heads. Having particularly good heads through out. 2 HP Cool Heart’s, deltagande hundar: Cool Heart’s Bond James Bond, Cool Heart’s Bisous Pour Toi, Cool Heart’s Brilliant Step, Cool Heart’s A Kind Of Magic This group particularly scores in being very similar in type. Through out. All well constructed Beardies. 3 HP Lärkängen’s, deltagande hundar: Lärkängen’s First In Lane, Lärkängen’s Friend Like Me, Lärkängen’s Forever In Your Mind, Lärkängen’s Trendy Miss Wendy This is a very even group with typical well constructed Beardies. 4 HP |