2010-05-23 Hässleholm SBC
Graham Atkins, UK, Vuxna, Nicola Whelan, UK, Valpar
Valpklass 4-6 hanar |
Alistair’s Number One f. 20091221 e. Pattishawl Take A Bow u. NV-05 SE UCH NO UCH Alistair’s Cheek To Cheek Brown puppy. Not cooprative in handling. Good head and expression. Nice front. Good length of back. Difficult to ? movement. Would like to see him more settled. 4 Shinuba’s Rikki Tikki Tavi f. 20100106 e. SE UCH Malinda’s Don Juan u. Shinuba’s Expressive Look Dark slate with white in color. Appeling eyes. Strong head and muzzle. Super depth and length of rib. Nice length of hocks, good angulation. 2 HP Shinuba’s Rin Tin Tin f. 20100106 e. SE UCH Malinda’s Don Juan u. Shinuba’s Expressive Look Slate an white in color. Very much the baby of the class. Nice outline. Good head. Nice length of neck. ? balanced mover. Little bit close behind in the movement at the moment. But I’m sure it will develop in time. 3 Shinuba’s Ron Ton Ton f. 20100106 e. SE UCH Malinda’s Don Juan u. Shinuba’s Expressive Look Nice profile in standing. Lovel strong head. Good depth of chest. Well balanced puppy. Very stlled in the move. 1 HP BÄSTA HANVALP! Bim valp |
Valpklass 6-9 hanar |
Beastly’s Scottish Kedgeree f. 20091117 e. BECH SE UCH FI UCH No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron u. SE UCH DK UCH FI UCH Beastly’s Never Mind Good head. Nice eyecolor. Goodhead proportions. Lovely depth of chest and length rib. Nice length of back. Good back angulations. Well balanced mover. 1 HP Beastly’s Tweed Kettle f. 20091117 e. BECH SE UCH FI UCH No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron u. SE UCH DK UCH FI UCH Beastly’s Never Mind Good strong head. Good nice eye. Strong muzzle. Good depth of chest. Excellent length of rib. Good length and high proportions for ? so young. Didn’t cooperate so well with his handler in thier move which made him ? close behind an the move. Very sweet puppy. 4 Shorelines Fishermans Flipper f. 20090927 e. Alistair’s Hunky Dory u. SE UCH DK UCH NO UCH Shorelines Celebration Good head. Nice bite and length of muzzle. Lovely length of neck. Well-layed shoulder addquit depth of chest. Good length of rib. Little loose an the move at the moment. Wich sure will stronger in time. 2 HP Shorelines Fishermans Flower Power f. 20090927 e. Alistair’s Hunky Dory u. SE UCH DK UCH NO UCH Shorelines Celebration Good head. Nice length of neck. Would prefer a little more depth of chest. Nice higth and proportion. Movement quite loose. Need to tighter up behind but sure this would come ?. 3 |
Valpklass 6-9 tikar |
Beastly’s Raspberry Cranachan f. 20091117 e. BECH SE UCH FI UCH No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron u. SE UCH DK UCH FI UCH Beastly’s Never Mind Sweet 6 months old. Good head. Lovely dark eyes. Good length of neck leading to good layed back shoulders. Good higth and length proportions. Good back angulation. Very balanced on the move. Lovely fronthind. Lovely puppy. 2 HP Farmarens Kerry Kilkenny f. 20090926 e. SE UCH Ramsgrove Ragthyme u. Farmarens Clear Round Very eyecatchig proportional bitch. Super profile. Lovely head. Very sweet expression. Lovely length of neck lay of shoulder and back angulation. Very well balanced mover. 1 HP Shinuba’s Quantum Of Solace f. 20091018 e. SE UCH Beardmarked’s Trick Or Treat u. Shinuba’s Jigsaw Puzzle Very sweet. Nice head. Nice length of neck. Nice profile standing. Not settled an the move. The body of the class. 4 Shorelines Fishermans Flipper f. 20090927 e. Alistair’s Hunky Dory u. SE UCH DK UCH NO UCH Shorelines Celebration Very feminin 7 months. Nice length to higth proportions. Good head. Nice length of neck. Good lay of shoulder. Would prefer a little more depth of chest. Good nice back angulation. Very balanced in the move. 3 |
Uppfödarklass valpar |
Beastly’s Deltagande valpar: B’sScottish Kedgeree, B’s Tweed Kettle, B’s Raspberry Cranachan Quality puppies. Good heads. Very much to type. Good fronts, shoulders. Balanced for age. Sweet expression. Good eyecolor. 1 HP Shinuba’s Deltagande valpar: S’s Rikki Tikki Tavi, S’s Rin Tin Tin, S’s Ron Ton Ton, S’s Quantum Of Solace Very handsome puppies. Not a doubt that they are from the same litter. Super heads and super depth. Wich I would nicelly take home. 1 HP BÄSTA UPPFÖDARGRUPP VALP! Shorelines Deltagande valpar: S Fishermans Flipper, S Fishermans Flower Power, S Fishermans Fun Fair Similar type a mother three quality puppies. 1 HP |
Juniorklass hanar |
Alistair’s Matter Of Heart f. 20090803 e. JWW-08 SE UCH Alistair’s It Takes Two To Tango u. SE UCH Alistair’s Daisy Good head and expression. Good eyecolor. Good placement of shoulder. Short loin. Harsh coat coming through. Little lacking in rare muzzle. Ad turn of stifle. Moved well. 2 Beastly’s Lancelot Du Lac f. 20090411 e. GB CH Malandex Xcalibur u. SE UCH DK UCH FI UCH Beastly’s Never Mind Would prefer a darker eye for the coatcolor. Strong head. Well bonned male. Good length of back. Good rare angulation. ? a little too much weight, but moved and presentation good. 1 KK 1 CK Boomtown Stone Mason f. 20090521 e. BECH SE UCH FI UCH No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron u. Boomtown Dalwhinnie Brown boy with good bone proportions. Eyecolor toning in coat. Good length of upperarm. Well placed shoulders. Good length of back. Good rare angulation. Moved well. 1 KK 3 HP Honeytaste Keep The Distance f. 20090627 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s Quality Zweet u. NORDUCH Beardmarked’s Quite A Lady Slate with good head, eyecolor could be a ? darker. Good length of neck. Good shoulder angulation. Good length of back. Good turn of stifle. In good coat. Nice texture coming throug. Move well. 2 Nickelbys Tailor Made f. 20090724 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s Quality Zweet u. SE UCH Nickelbys Private Collection Well shaped head. Good eyecolor. Good reach of neck. Good length of back. Short loin. Well – balanced. Movement good. 1 KK 2 CK Skarnbro’s Lord Of Lochinver f. 20090503 e. SE UCH Skarnbro’s Grand Slam u. Tanja Brown with str skull. Good eyecolor. Nose and lippigmentation good. Good angulation on shoulder. Good length of back. Length of loin good. Overall balance good. Movement a little unsettled. 2 Windtails Calypso f. 20090722 e. SE UCH Synvillans Power Quest u. Windtails Ardesia Nice strong skull w good expression. Good length of upperarm. Depth of chest ok. Length of back is balanced to higth. Good turn of stifle. A little unsettled on the move. Difficult to asset the movement. 2 |
Unghundsklass hanar |
Beardmarked’s At Any X-Pence f. 20080711 e. Old Highland’s Cotton-Eye Joe u. Beardmarked’s Run For Fun Well coated dog with coat of good texture. Good skull. Good eyecolor. Ex reach of neck. Good length of back. Short loin. Well muzzled with good turn of stifle. Correct tailset. Move and presentation well. 1 KK 1 CK BHKL 4 Blå Rosen’s Calvin f. 20080926 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s Quality Zweet u. Honeytaste Wild Fantasi Well layed boy with strong head. Good eyecolor. Good pigmentation. Correct shoulder placement ? length of back. Coat of good quality. Turn of stifle ok. Move and presented well. 1 KK 3 HP Honeytaste Mr Big f. 20080527 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s Quality Zweet u. SE UCH Honeytaste Star Quality Dog with broad flat skull would prefer a scissorbite. Levelbite is accept but not disirable. Would prefer better lengt of back, but dog has short loin so w doesn’t look unbalanced. Coat of good quality. Movement ok. 2 Mac Baffi’s Gordon Of Abergledie f. 20081218 e. GICH PTCH NO UCH INTUCH SE UCH Beastly’s Nevermore Without You u. Mac Baffi’s Golspie Broad skull with good eyecolor. Good length of upperarm. Good reach of neck. Nice deep chest. Good length of back with short loin. Good rare angulation. Good tailset. Coat of good texture. Moving well. 1 KK 2 HP Typografen’s Noddy Nerd f. 20080908 e. NO UCH DK UCH Kindle Passion Just Marvellous u. SE UCH Typografen’s Kitschy Kitshcy Kool Dark slate with good flat skull, good eyecolor. Excellent reach of neck. Good shoulder angulation. Good length of back. Nice deep chest. Good short loin. Good rare angulation. Move and presented well. 1 KK 4 HP |
Öppenklass hanar |
Alistair’s Hunky Dory f. 20070102 e. NORDUCH INTUCH NV-00 SV-00 NORDV-01 SV-01 Heather Mist Everybody’s Business u. NV-05 SE UCH NO UCH Alistair’s Cheek To Cheek Slate with strong skull and dark eyes. Correct bite. Excellent reach of neck. Good upperarm. Good deep chest. Good length of back. Short loin. Coat of good quality. Good turn of stifle. Well muzzled on the shoulder. In good condition overall. Moved well. 1 Alistair’s Jolly Roger f. 20080314 e. Potterdale Star Attraction u. NV-05 SE UCH NO UCH Alistair’s Cheek To Cheek Dog with good skull and eyecolor. Good pigmentation. Would like a better shoulder angulation. Nice length of back. Good short loin. Nice deep chest. Coat of good quality. Good turn of stifle. Well balanced. Moved well. 1 Alistair’s Jump For Joy f. 20080314 e. Potterdale Star Attraction u. NV-05 SE UCH NO UCH Alistair’s Cheek To Cheek Brown with good skullproportion. Good lay back of shoulder. Good length of back. Short loin. Coat of good quality. Good rare angulation. Move and presented well. 1 KK R Alistair’s King Of The Castle f. 20080416 e. SE UCH NORDV-07 NO UCH FICH C.I.B. Heather Mist This Is My Life u. SE UCH NO UCH NV-09 Alistair’s Fly Me To The Moon Well balanced boy. Good strong head. Excellent muzzle. Good lay back of shoulder. Deep chest. Short loin. Coat of good quality. Good rare angulation. Well ? of hocks. Moved and presented well. 1 KK 2 CK BHKL 2 Alvskogens No Limit f. 20080103 e. FI UCH SE UCH Hairdog’s Picco Piccaro u. LPI Alvskogens Shine A Light Slate boy with strong skull. Good eyecolor. Good pigmentation. Good of back, but would prefer a shorter loin. Coat of good quality. Tailset a little high, but didn’t defect his movement. 2 Double Happy Smartness f. 20071016 e. PLCH DK UCH INTUCH DE&VDHCH Saudade De Shaleemar u. PLCH Born To Be Smart Of Slavic Charm Dark slate of good quality throughout. Good strong head and eyecolor. Good shoulder placement. Good length of back with short loin. Corr tailset. Good angulations. Move and presented very well. 1 Dreamfactory Broadway f. 20071218 e. SE UCH FI UCH Typografen’s Indigo Illustration u. Shinuba’s Give It A Try Good skull with good eyecolor. Good dip and nose pigmentation. Good shoulder placement. Would prefer sliter better length of back. Well rare angulation. Adiquit quality of the coat. Did not drive an the move. 2 Dreamfactory Buttercup f. 20071218 e. SE UCH FI UCH Typografen’s Indigo Illustration u. Shinuba’s Give It A Try Brown of good quality. Well balanced beardi with good head and eyecolor correct. Good pigmentation. Excellent reach of neck. Good shoulder angulation. Excellent length of back. Good loin loin. Good rare angulation. Moved and presented very well. 1 KK 1 CK BHKL 1 CERT BIR Highflying Up Up And Away f. 20070305 e. PLCH RUSCH SKCH INTUCH Basie Of Slavic Charm u. DK UCH SE UCH Bonny And Clyde’s Twice As Nice Dark slate with exc skull. Good eyecolor and pigmentation. Good reach of neck. Nice deep chest. Good ? placement. Exc short loin. Good shoulder of stifle. Well balanced dog. Wich strong in his fluid movement. 1 Memorylane Sunsational f. 20080124 e. FI UCH LUXCH ESTCH CSCH ATTILA DE CHESTER u. FI UCH Memorylane SUNNY SIDE UP Dog of good quality.exchaped skull. Good expression. Good reach of neck. Good deep chest. Good length of upper arm. Good length of back with short loin. Nicely angulation rare. Good tailset. Moved well. 1 Nickelbys Simple Choice f. 20080420 e. BECH SE UCH FI UCH No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron u. NORDUCH NORDV-07 Nickelbys On-Going Business Well made skull, good eyecolor. Would like a little more shoulder angulation deep chest. Adiquit length of back. Short loin. Good quality coat. Nice rare angulation. 2 Nickelbys Special Selection f. 20080420 e. BECH SE UCH FI UCH No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron u. NORDUCH NORDV-07 Nickelbys On-Going Business Slater obvious quality. Exc head, good eyecolor. Good pigmentation. Good sisscor bite. Good length back of shoulder. Good length of back, short loin. Good turn of stifle. Would prefer a little more go in the movement. 1 KK 4 Potterdale Star Attraction f. 20060830 e. GB CH Potterdale Audition For Pattishawl u. Shenendoa Star Of Potterdale Brown of good quality with good flat skull. Exc eyecolor, good pigmentation. Good length of upper arm. Nice deep chest. Exc length of back. Coat of good quality. Short loin. good turn af stifle. Moved with drive and purpose. 1 KK 3 Shinuba’s Lightn’N Bolt f. 20070809 e. AMCH SE UCH DK UCH Papaw Tailwind Shock’N Ya’Ll u. Shinuba’s Go’go Girl Slate boy with strong skull. Eyecolor and pigmentation good. Would like slitly better rerach of neck. Nice shoulders. Good rare angulation. Coat good quality. Tailset could be slitly lowe, but still amice boy. 2 Windtails Bellino f. 20060331 e. NLCH NORDUCH INTUCH Seagull Foreign Heartbreaker u. LPI Highflying Just For You Dark slate with good expression. Good eyecolor. Cirrect pigmentation. Exc layback of shoulder. Good length of upperarm. Good lay of back. Deep chest. Would like a bit stronger loin. Nice rare abgulation. 2 |
Championklass hanar |
SE UCH Alistair’s Jolly Good Fellow f. 20080314 e. Potterdale Star Attraction u. NV-05 SE UCH NO UCH Alistair’s Cheek To Cheek Brown with exc sjull and eyecolor. Good pigmentation on nose and clips. Good expression. Good reach of neck. Good length of upper arm. Good shoulder angulation. Good length of back level topline. Deep chest. Coat of good quality. Good short loin. Good rare angulation. 4 SE UCH Beardmarked’s Trick Or Treat f. 20070214 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s Quality Zweet u. Beardmarked’s It’s A Sin Brown with exc skull proportions eyecolor toning with coat. Good length of upper arm. Good straigt front. Good length of back. Short loin. Good rare angulation. Move and presented well. OPL SE UCH NO UCH DK UCH Beastly’s Ned Of Crichton f. 20061206 e. BECH SE UCH FI UCH No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron u. SE UCH DK UCH FI UCH Beastly’s Never Mind Dark slate. Flat skull. Good eyecolor. Good pigment troughout. Good reach of neck. Good length of upper arm. Good shoulder placement. Good length of back. Short loin. Coat of good texture. Good rare angulation. Would prefer sicssor bite. OPL MECH BGCH DK UCH SE UCH Carre d’As De Chester f. 20070214 e. GB CH Snowmead Sans Faute u. FI UCH FINV-03 DK UCH INTUCH ESTCH Samantha De Chester Hevely coated dog with good skull. Good eyecolor. Well boned. Good reach of neck. Correct shoulder angulation. Good length of back. Short loin. Correct rare angulation. Correct the grand with ear. 2 CK SE UCH NO UCH Farmarens Florian Prinzkrona f. 20070429 e. GB CH SE UCH NO UCH FI UCH Diotima Sea Wolf At Ramsgrove u. SE UCH Farmarens Zweet Zamantha Well made boy with exc proportions. Good head and eyecolor. Good reach of neck. Good length of upper arm. Good length of back. Short loin. Good rare angulation. Cover the ground with eaze. Long ? dog. OPL DK UCH Farmarens Isle Of Arran f. 20041210 e. SE UCH NO UCH ESTCH INTUCH Farmarens Weeping Willow u. SE UCH FI UCH NO UCH DK UCH NV-03 INTUCH SV-05 Farmarens Polly Pumpkin Exc brown of good proportions. Good head and expression. Level topline. Good angulation of shoulder. Coat of good quality. Good turn of stifle. Nice muzcle. Vover the ground good. OPL SE UCH DK UCH KBHV-08 C.I.B Highflying No Doubt f. 20040904 e. SE UCH Certified Moonstruck u. SE UCH DK UCH Heather Mist Edge Of Heaven Well shaped skull with correct eyecolor and pigmentation. Good straight front. Good shoulder angulation. Good length of back with level topline. Short loin. Good rare angulation. Coat of good quality. Moved and presented well. 3 CK SE UCH Malinda’s Don Juan f. 20070112 e. SE UCH NO UCH Movitz Philosophical Poet u. LPI Malinda’s Black ’N’ Bonnie Dark slate of good quality with strong skull. Good eyecolor and pigmentation. Good reach of neck. Good lay back shoulder. Good level topline. Short loin. Good rare angulation coat with quality. Held topline on the move resulting ? movement. OPL SE UCH FI UCH Nickelbys Robert The Bruce f. 20060402 e. SE UCH Vargåkern’s Do It For Luck u. Nickelbys Out Stand-Ing Well-boned boy with good skull. Nice dark eyes. Good pigmentation. Good reach of neck. Good shoulder angulation. would prefer slithy better length of back. Short loin. Harsh coat. Nice angulation. Moved OK. OPL SE UCH Shinuba’s Independence Day f. 20050409 e. USCH SE UCH DKUCH Papaws Photo Finish u. Beardmarked’s Live And Let Live Dog with strong skull. Good dark eyes. Good pigmentation. Good shoulder placement. Would like a better spring of rib. Would prefer a slitly deeper chest. Level topline. Good angulated rare. Coat of good quality. Moved well. OPL SE UCH NO UCH DK UCH C.I.B. FI UCH Shorelines Devoted To Shaw f. 20041017 e. Diotima Sea Scout u. NORDUCH INTUCH Shorelines Aquarelle Dark slate with alot to like. Good head. Correct eyecolor and pigmentation. Good length of upper arm. Good deep chest. Exc length of back. Loin could be a little shorter. Good rare angulation. Good quality coat. Covering the ground with ease. 1 CK BHKL 3 SE UCH Typografen’s Jungman Jansson f. 20030928 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s No Matter What u. SE UCH Typografen’s Helvetica Bold Dark slate of good quality, strong head. Nice dark eye and pigment. Good reach of neck with long topline. Good coat. Nice deept of chest. Good spring of rib. Short loin. Nice rare angulation. Good harsh coat. Move and presented well. R |
Veteranklass hanar |
SE UCH NO UCH ESTCH INTUCH Farmarens Weeping Willow f. 20020318 e. MULTICH Offenbach de Chester u. SE UCH NO UCH FI UCH DK UCH INTUCH Farmarens Icing On The Cake Dark slate with good strong head. Good eyecolor. Good pigmentation. Correct sisscorbite. Good reacg of neck. Good shoulderplacement. Good length of back with level topline ? was held on the move. Good rare angulations. Good tailset. Coat of good quality. A good beardie. 1 CK R SE UCH DK UCH LPI NO UCH Shorelines Aquanaut f. 19990315 e. NORDUCH INTUCH KBHV-02 Binbusy Quotation u. DK UCH SE UCH Binbusy Serenade 11 year old slate. Good head and eyecolor. Teeth in good condition. Nice shoulderangulation. Good reach of neck. Level topline. Harsh coat. Nice rare angulation. enjoying his day. 2 |
Juniorklass tikar |
Alistair’s Lady Bountiful f. 20090316 e. JWW-08 SE UCH Alistair’s It Takes Two To Tango u. SE UCH NO UCH NV-09 Alistair’s Fly Me To The Moon Slate bitch with good eyecolor. Good pigmentation of nose and lips. Good reach of neck. Good front shoulder ang. Nice level topline. Short loin with not overangulated. Adult coat coming through of good quality. 2 Alistair’s Lady Marmalade f. 20090316 e. JWW-08 SE UCH Alistair’s It Takes Two To Tango u. SE UCH NO UCH NV-09 Alistair’s Fly Me To The Moon Bitch of good proportions. Lovely shaped head. Good eyecolor. Good pigmentation. Exc shoulder angulation with good reach of neck. Level topline spring a balanced expression. Good rare angulation. Coat of good quality. Lovely Bitch! 1 KK 2 Beastly’s Isabelle Of Lyonesse f. 20090411 e. GB CH Malandex Xcalibur u. SE UCH DK UCH FI UCH Beastly’s Never Mind Bitch of nice quality with a good shaped. Head with a good shaped skull with an enquining expression. Good pigmentation. Good reach of neck. Level topline. Short loin. Nice rare angulaton. In good coat. Moved well. 1 KK 3 Heathervalley’s Haley f. 20090703 e. Highflying Up Up And Away u. Farmarens What Ever Next Bitch who is little narrow in skull this time. Who has a nice reach of neck. Level topline is an obviously unsettle standing and on the move. Good coat coming trough rare angulation Ok but need time to develops. 2 Honeytaste Drop Dead Beautiful f. 20090627 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s Quality Zweet u. NORDUCH Beardmarked’s Quite A Lady Pretty blue bitch who stands and move with confidence. Good shaped head with nice eyecolor and good pigmentation. Good reach of neck. Good dept of chest. Level topline. But a l overangulated at the rare. Not going a balanced picture but sure she will mature when she gets older. 1 KK R Honeytaste Kick Some Ass f. 20090627 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s Quality Zweet u. NORDUCH Beardmarked’s Quite A Lady Nice shape in standing. Nice dark eyes. Good pigmentation. Good shoulderangulation. Nice length of upperarm. Nice level topline. Good depth of chest. Nice short loin. Good rare angulation. Flash coat coming trough. Moved a little ? but sure will be better in time. 1 KK 4 Nickelbys Truly Mine f. 20090724 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s Quality Zweet u. SE UCH Nickelbys Private Collection Good head and eyecolor, good pigmentation. Correct scissorbite. Good reach of neck. Well angulated shoulders. Nice deep chest. Level topline. Good angulated rare. Correct tailset. Moved well when settled. 1 Shetlanas Focus Of Attention f. 20090330 e. Shetlanas Black Whimsy u. Philabeg Gloriousbluegeorgina Beautiful presented bitch with outstanding beardie expression. Good eyecolor and pigmentation. Good length of upper arm. Good deep chest. Good spring of ribs. Level toplin. Short loin. Exc turn of stifle. Moved with ease cevering the ground beautifully. 1 KK 1 CK BTKL 4 CERT |
Unghundsklass tikar |
Beardmarked’s Yellow Mellow f. 20081128 e. SE UCH Beardmarked’s Trick Or Treat u. DK UCH SE UCH Beardmarked’s O’h La La Fawn bitch, with good eyecolor and pigment. Correct scissorbite. Good shaped skull. Good reach of neck. Good front shoulder angulation. Level topline. Nice short loin. Good turn of stifle. Moved and presented well. 1 KK R Beardmarked’s Yelly Bean f. 20081128 e. SE UCH Beardmarked’s Trick Or Treat u. DK UCH SE UCH Beardmarked’s O’h La La Nice short skull, good eyecolor. Correct scissorbite. Would prefer better spring o rib. Rare. Would prefer a stronger rare end. Coat of good quality. 2 Beardmarked’s Yippie-Ki-Yay f. 20081128 e. SE UCH Beardmarked’s Trick Or Treat u. DK UCH SE UCH Beardmarked’s O’h La La Create a nice picture standing. Lovely head and expression. Good reach of neck. Level topline. Nice shoulder placement. Good quality coat. Good spring of rib. Strong rare of end. Moving out create a good picture. 1 KK 2 CK Highflying Indian Summer f. 20080930 e. Highflying Up Up And Away u. DK UCH SE UCH Highflying Cheyenne Slate bitch with good head and expression. Nice dark eyes. Good pigmentation. Correct scissorbite. Good reach of neck. Would like a slitly deep chest with a better spring of ribs rare end a little weak needs tp tighten muzzle. 2 Honeytaste Samantha Jones f. 20080527 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s Quality Zweet u. SE UCH Honeytaste Star Quality Bitch with a good sjort skull. Nice dark eyes and pigment. Correct scissorbite. Prefer a better layback of shoulder angulation. Level topline. Coat of good quality. Nice angulated rare. Moving well. 2 Mac Baffi’s Ladybird Of Robson f. 20081218 e. GICH PTCH NO UCH INTUCH SE UCH Beastly’s Nevermore Without You u. Mac Baffi’s Golspie Slate bitch. Good head and eyecolor. Good pigmentation. Good scissorbite. Excellent reach of neck. Good lay back of shoulder. Level topline. Nicely angulated rare. Moving well. 1 KK 1 CK Typografen’s Neep Neep f. 20080908 e. NO UCH DK UCH Kindle Passion Just Marvellous u. SE UCH Typografen’s Kitschy Kitshcy Kool Slate bitch with typical beardie expression good. Would have eyecolor and pigment. Good reach of neck. Level topline. Short loin. Good rare end. Moved well drive and purpose. 1 KK 4 Typografen’s Network Netiquette f. 20080908 e. NO UCH DK UCH Kindle Passion Just Marvellous u. SE UCH Typografen’s Kitschy Kitshcy Kool Nicely made bitch with good head. Nice kind beardie expression. Good reach of neck. Good level topline. Good coat texture. Good strong rare. Moved with drive. Shown and presented well. 1 KK 3 |
Öppenklass tikar |
Alistair’s Kiss-Me-Quick f. 20080416 e. SE UCH NORDV-07 NO UCH FICH C.I.B. Heather Mist This Is My Life u. SE UCH NO UCH NV-09 Alistair’s Fly Me To The Moon uppf. Johan Andersson & Nina Lönner-Andersson, Hammarö Bodén, Västerlanda Slate bitch with good head and nice expression. Good pigmentation on nose and lips. Correct scissorbite. Good reach of neck. Good length of front upper arm. Good spring of rib. Short loin. Good turn of stifle. Good tailset. Coat of correct texture. 1 KK R Alvskogens Nautical Nymph f. 20080103 e. FI UCH SE UCH Hairdog’s Picco Piccaro u. LPI Alvskogens Shine A Light uppf. Christina Andersson, Onsala Andersson, Onsala Dark slate of exc quality. Good strong head. Good eyecolor. Correct scissorbite. Would like a little more length in back. Level topline with a short loin nice rare angulation. Moved well. 2 Alvskogens Nightwish Girl f. 20080103 e. FI UCH SE UCH Hairdog’s Picco Piccaro u. LPI Alvskogens Shine A Light uppf. Christina Andersson, Onsala Wanner, Rödeby Dark slate with good head and eyecolor. Good upperarm placement. Level topline. Short loin. Good turn of stifle.In good coat. But unfortunately overshot teat. 2 LPI Alvskogens Shine A Light f. 20050108 e. SE UCH Synvillans Power Quest u. Alvskogens Java uppf. Christina Andersson, Onsala Andersson, Onsala Slate with good head and eyecolor toning with coat. Good pigment on lips an nose. Correct scissorbite. Good strong underjaw. Nice level topline. Short loin. Good strong rare end wich is well angulated with drive. 1 KK 3 Dreamfactory Adelaide f. 20060105 e. NORDUCH FI UCH INTUCH LPI Alistair’s Knight Of Gold u. Shinuba’s Give It A Try uppf. Caroline Övall, Sjöbo Eriksson, Partille Brown with strong skull. Good pigmentation, good length of back. Good shoulder placement. Nice short loin. Good turn of stifle with correct tailset. Moved well. 1 Dreamfactory Bellatrix f. 20071218 e. SE UCH FI UCH Typografen’s Indigo Illustration u. Shinuba’s Give It A Try uppf. Caroline Övall, Sjöbo Kihlberg, Åmål Bitch of good proportion. Nicely balanced with good head and beardie expression. Good pigmentation. Exc reach of neck. Good length of upper arm and length of back. Good rare angull. Moved very well. 1 Farmarens Good Girl f. 20070720 e. GB CH SE UCH NO UCH FI UCH Diotima Sea Wolf At Ramsgrove u. SE UCH FI UCH NO UCH DK UCH NORDV-04 INTUCH GB CH Farmarens Real Diamond uppf. Maine Lundell, Gävle Göransson, Lundell, Sandberg, Gävle Dark slate. Lovely balanced bitch. Nice eyes with good expression. Good pigmentation. Good shoulder angulation. Level topline. Short loin. Good harsh coat. Nice rare angulation. Moved around themy without effort. 1 KK 2 CK Hillbacka Worrying Kind f. 20070425 e. NORDJV-03 NORDV-03 SE UCH NO UCH Hillbacka Show Business u. SE UCH NO UCH Hillbacka Queen Of Harts uppf. Ann-Charlotte Boman, Hammarö Boman, Hammarö Blue bitch with nice head and expression. Would prefer scissorbite. Nice shoulder placement. Level topline. Good coat. Short loin. Would prefer a stronger rare end. 2 Hillbacka Xciting Attraction f. 20071225 e. Potterdale Star Attraction u. Firstprizebears California uppf. Ann-Charlotte Boman, Hammarö Boman, Hammarö Brown bitch showing. Good length of back. Good head, expression pigment on nose and lips. Correct scissorbite. Good ? dept. Good rare end. Moved well. 1 KK 4 Honeytaste Dream Maker f. 20070104 e. SE UCH Woolpack’s Quality Zweet u. NORDUCH Beardmarked’s Quite A Lady uppf. Marie Ullatti, Sönnarslöv Olsson, Vejbystrand Very dark slate bitchwho is nice through out. Good head, color and pigmentation. Level topline. Nice short loin. Well muzzled rare end. Moved very well. 1 KK 1 CK R |
Championklass tikar |
SE UCH Shinuba’s Magic Choice f. 20071011 e. SE UCH Shinuba’s Independence Day u. Shinuba’s Expressive Look Dark slate with good head. Correct eyecolor. Good lip and nose pigmentation. Good lay back of shoulder. Level topline In good coat. Good rare end angulation. Moved well. OPL SE UCH Beardcaper’s Night Live f. 20071110 e. NORDV-02 NV-03 NO UCH DK UCH KBHV-04 INTUCH SE UCH NORDV-06 SV-07 Breaksea Norwegian Wood u. Beardcaper’s How Do You Do Slate bitch of exc quality with good head. Correct eyecolor. Nose and lip pigmentation good. Scissor bite correct. Good length of shoulder. Level topline, short loin. In good coat. Moved well. R SE UCH NO UCH NV-09 Alistair’s Fly Me To The Moon f. 20050412 e. SE UCH NO UCH DK UCH Beardcaper’s Fortune Hunter u. SE UCH NO UCH DK UCH INTUCH KBHV-02 Alistair’s Quite The Thing Brown in exc condition. Super head. Good eyecolor. Correct bite. Lovely reach of neck. Level topline. Coat of good quality. Good deep chest. Correct length of back with short loin. Exc rare angulation. Moved with drive. Well presented. 1 CK BTKL 1 BIM DK UCH SE UCH Beardmarked’s O’h La La f. 20030921 e. NORDUCH INTUCH Rivermeadow’s Highway Star u. Beardmarked’s Name Of The Game Brown bitch of exc quality. Lovely head and expression. Good shoulder placement. Level topline. Good deep chest with well spring of rib. Good rare angulation. Moved with drive and purpose. 2 CK BTKL 2 SE UCH DK UCH FI UCH Beastly’s Never Mind f. 20040108 e. NORDV-02 NV-03 NO UCH DK UCH KBHV-04 INTUCH SE UCH NORDV-06 SV-07 Breaksea Norwegian Wood u. Beastly’s Tomorrow Never Knows Well balanced dark slate. Good head and expression. Good dark eyes with correct pigment. Exc angulation of shoulder . Level of coat of good quality. Exc rare angulation. Move with drive cover the ground little ease. 3 SE UCH Farmarens Hallo Dollie f. 20070911 e. GB CH SE UCH NO UCH FI UCH Diotima Sea Wolf At Ramsgrove u. SE UCH Igor’s Black Now Or Never Dark slate with good head shape, good eyecolor, good pigment. Correct scissorbite. Good reach of neck. Good spring of rib. Correct length of back. Short loin. Good rare angulation. Moved with drive and purpose. 4 |
Veteranklass tikar |
NORDUCH INTUCH NO UCH VDHCH Alistair’s Pick And Choose f. 19970503 e. INTUCH NORDUCH SV-95 Potterdale Illusion u. SE UCH NO UCH Woolpack’s Zweet Corn Slate with good head and eyecolor. Good level topline which she held on the move. Good lay back of shoulders. Coat of correct texture. Good rare angulation. Movement a little slow. 4 SE UCH NO UCH DK UCH INTUCH KBHV-02 Alistair’s Quite The Thing f. 19980302 e. NORDUCH INTUCH DK UCH WW-98 SV-98 SV-99 SV-02 Alistair’s Lonesome Cowboy u. SE UCH NO UCH Artix On The Rocks 12 years old dark slate. Exc mover in good condition. Good head and eyecolor. Good reach of neck. Exc topline. Coat of good quality, good rare angulation. Moved around the ring freely. Well presented. 2 SE UCH FI UCH NO UCH DK UCH NORDV-04 INTUCH GB CH Farmarens Real Diamond f. 20000303 e. NORDUCH NORDV-97 Potterdale Exellence u. INTUCH SE UCH NO UCH DK UCH FI UCH SV-00 Farmarens Happy Returns Dark slate in good condition. Super head and expression. Well balanced, good length of back with short loin. Exc rare angulation, coat of correct texture. Moved and presented well. 1 CK BTKL 3 NORDUCH NORDV-07 C.I.B. Nickelbys On-Going Business f. 20010603 e. NORDUCH INTUCH NV-00 SV-00 NORDV-01 SV-01 Heather Mist Everybody’s Business u. INTUCH NORDUCH Nickelbys Miss Saigon Dark slate. Exc headshape. Good eyecolor. Good pigment on nose and lips. Correct scissorbite. Exc reach of neck. Good shoulder placement. Level topline. Short loin. Coat of exc quality. Good strong rare angulation. Moved around the ring freely. 3 |
Uppfödarklass |
Typografens Deltagande hundar: T’s Noddy Nerd, T’s Jungman Jansson, T’s Neep Neep, T’s Network Netiquette These 4 beardies camy similar caractenstics. ? show family resemblanche. 1 HP Farmarens Deltagande hundar: Inga markerade hundar i kritiken. All these progeny camy a similar facial look and apait equaly balanced. 1 HP Beardmarked’s Deltagande hundar: B’s At Any X-pence, B’s Trick Or Treat, B’s Yippie-Ki-Yay, B’s O’h La La These also camy a similar family blodlines, which shows in the combind apperance. 1 HP |