2007-09-29 SBC Bräkne-Hoby Don Moir
Valpklass 4-6 hanar |
Valpklass 6-9 hanar |
Alistair’s Hope And Glory f. 2007-01-02 e. Ch Heather Mist Everybody’s Business u. CH Alistair’s Cheek To Cheek Nice slate boy, very good head, good proportion, nice neck, good lay of shoulder & satisfactory riblength. Good croup. Moved well VALPKL 1 HP BIM-VALP Alistair’s Hunky Dory f. 2007-01-02 e. Ch Heather Mist Everybody’s Busines, u. Ch Alistair’s Cheek To Cheek Good head, pigment slightly broken. Good neck, shoulders satisfactory. Good riblength, good overall length. Good croup. Moved reasonably well slightly crabbing VALPKL 2 HP Highflying Up Up And Away f. 2007-03-05 e. Ch Basie Of Slavic Charm u. Bonny And Clyde’s Twice As Nice, Head reasonably good, lay of shoulder satisfactory. Riblength satisfactory but still quite raw. Needs time to mature. Moved quite well. VALPKL R Malinda’s Dionysos f. 2007-01-12 e. Ch Movitz Philosophical Poet u. Malinda’s Black ’n’ Bonnie Nice head, but broken pigment. Neck not long enough although has good shoulder & upperarm. Overall not as balanced as he needs to be. Moved guite well but doesn’t have the balance to do him self justice. VALPKL OPL Malinda’s Don Juan f. 2007-01-12 e. Ch Movitz Philosophical Poet u. Malinda’s Black ’n’ Bonnie Nice head, but levelbit. Shoulders a little loose. Riblength satisfactory. Has good croup. Moved quite well VALPKL 3 Shinuba’s Key To Succes f. 2007-03-14 e. Ch Shinuba’s Dark Chocolate Choice u. Shinuba’s Let It Be, Head quite good. Upperarm not satisfactory. Needs longer rubs. Overangulated in rear. Testicles to descend. VALPKL OPL Shinuba’s Keychain f. 2007-03-14 e. Ch Shinuba’s Dark Chocolate Choice, u. Shinuba’s Let It Be, Good head & pigmentation. Shoulders & upperarm OK. Ribs reasonable good croup. Quite good overall balance. Moved well VALPKL 4 |
Valpklass 4-6 tikar |
Breaker Champus Delight S f. 2007-04-21 e. Ch Now And Then Hole-In-One, u. Ch Beardmarked’s Named Tequila Very good head, great expression. Ahoulders & upperarm good. Ribs satisfactory. Good croup. Moved quite well VALPKL 4 Breaker Choice For Victory f. 2007-04-21e. Ch Now And Then Hole-In-One, u. Ch Beardmarked’s Namned Tequila Very nice head, good blue pigment. Good lay of shoulder, upperarm good. Riblength satisfactory. Good croup. Moved quite well VALPKL R Hillbacka Worrying Kind f. 2007-04-25 e.Ch Hillbacka Show Buisiness, u. Ch Hillbacka Queen Of Harts Nice head, has levelbite. Good neck. Shoulders quite good. Ribs yet to length. Good croup. Moved quite well, frontaction o little high. VALPKL 3 Rumängens Elieen f. 2007-05-27 e. Ch Woolpack’s Quiality Zweet, u. Vargåkern’s Honey-Bee Very feminine. Good head, teeth still changing. Very good ahoulder & upperarm. Overall balance is excellent for someone that young. Moved well! VALPKL 1 HP Rumängens Esmeralda f. 2007-05-27 e. Ch Woolpack’s Quality Zweet, u. Vargåkern’s Honey-Bee Really nice feminine head. Teeth still changing. Shoulders & upperarm good. Good balance for one so young. Moved well for one so young. VALPKL 2 HP |
Valpklass 6-9 tikar |
Alistair’s Hallelujah f. 2007-01-02 e. Ch Heather Mist Everybody’s Business, u.Ch Alistair’s Cheek To Cheek Very nice head & pigment. Good shoulder & upperarm. Ribs very good. Good croup. Very well balanced. Moved well. VALPKL 2 HP Boomtown Little Briar Rose f. 2007-03-05 e. Boomtown Blizzard, u. Artisan Ode To Joy Head ok, pigment satisfactory for a brown. Nice neck, but shoulder & upperarm not good. Upperarm is too short. Leading to higth frontaction. Overangulated at rear. VALPKL R Hairbodys Because I Love You f. 2007-01-07 e. Ch Alistair’s Walk Right On, u. Tre’s Hildur Nice head, good neck but upperarm very straight. Ribs OK, but overangulated at rear. Moved OK. VALPKL 4 Hairbodys True Love Always f. 2007-01-07 e. Ch Alistair’s Walk Right On, u. Tre’s Hildur Nice head, good neck, but upperarm is too straight. Ribs ok, but overangulated at rear. Moved ok. VALPKL 3 Malandex Xpatriate f. 2007-02-16 e. Ch Gillaber Drummond, u. Ch Malandex Xquisit Beautiful head. Exc neck, shoulders & upperarm very good. Ribs very good. Very good croup. Very well balanced. Moved very well. VALPKL 1 HP BÄSTA VALP |
Uppfödarklass valpar |
Alistair’s kennel Alistair’s Hope And Glory, Alistair’s Hunky Dory, Alistair’s Hallelujah All three with very similar head expression. All with the same look & balance. Good length. All impressive UPPFKL 1 HP BÄSTA UPPFÖDARGRUPP |
Juniorklass hanar |
Beastly’s Ned Of Crichton f. 2006-12-06 e. Ch No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron, u. Ch Beastly’s Never Mind, Good strong head. Good pigment, but levelbite. Good neck, shoulders & upperarm. Ribs are satisfactory. Good croup. Moved quite well. JUNKL 1 KK 1 HP Beastly’s Will Turner f. 2006-09-04 e. Ch No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron, u. Beastly’s Highland Eternity, Head OK, levelbite. Neck quite good. Satisfactory a little upright. Ribs satisfactory. Overangulated at rear, leading to a loss of balance JUNKL 2 Reinlake’s Caribbean Rumraisin f. 2006-07-07 e. Ch Woolpack’s Quality Zweet, u. Reinlake’s Alive And Full Of Beauty, Good strong head, good bite. Pigment a little broken. Shoulders satisfactory, but upperarm a little steep leading to topline sloping towards rear. Moved OK. JUNKL 2 |
Unghundsklass hanar |
Highflying Ace Of Spades f. 2006-02-26 e. Seagull Foreign Heartbreaker, u. Ch Highflying Right On Time, Good head & pigment. Satisfactory neck. Shoulders OK, but upperarm a little upright. Satisfactory ribs, but overangulated at rear. Moved OK UKL 2 Nickelbys Robert The Bruce f. 2006-04-02 e. Ch Vargåkern’s Do It For Luck, u. Nickelbys Out Stand-Ing, Very nice head & pigment. Good neck & lay of shoulder. Satisfactory ribs & good croup. Moved very steadly. UKL 1 KK 1 CK |
Öppenklass hanar |
Alistair’s By Design f. 2004-06-23 e. Ch Farmarens Loyal Friend, u. Ch Alistair’s Quite The Thing Good strong head. Levelbite Good pigment. Good shoulders, but upperarm a little steep. Ribs satisfactory. Good croup. Moved quite well, but with a little roll. ÖKL 1 KK 3 Baloo De Tierras Altas f. 2004-09-28 e. Ch Vayc Isidoro De Un Rebano Escoces, u. Pampamia De Un Rebano Escoces, Strong head, levelbite, shoulders & upperarm quite upright. All through well held topline. Ribs satisfactory. Croup OK, but high tailset. Moment, not reaching in front due to upperarm ÖKL 2 Beastly’s No-No Look At Me f. 2004-05-20 e. Ch No-Nonsense’s Xiebert, u. Beastly’s Made You Look, Good head & neck, satisfactory, shoulders & upperarm. Good riblength & croup. Moved at the correct speed. Presents a good overall picture. Moved well ÖKL 1 KK 2 CK BHKL R Boomtown Blizzard f. 2002-02-15 e.Ch Beardmarked’s Celestial Charmer, u. Boomtown Great Sensation Good strong head, satisfactory neck, shoulders & upperarm a little upright. Ribs OK. High tailset which causes him to shortstep on the move ÖKL 2 Honeytaste Stars And Stripe f. 2005-04-10 e. Ch Woolpack’s No Matter What, u. Beardmarked’s Quite A Lady, Nice head with good eyecolour, but no lowerlip pigment. Shoulders & upperarm quite satisfactory. Riblength leading to movement being unbalanced ÖKL 2 Sallen Anchor f. 2004-08-25 e. Sallen King Alfred, u. Sallen Cassandra, Strong head, good pigment. Shoulders & upperarm a litle steep. Riblength unsatisfactory. Croup quite good. Moved as well as his balance woyld allow. Very wellmuscled. ÖKL 3 Shinuba’s Independence Day f. 2005-04-09 e. Ch Papaws Photo Finish, u. Beardmarked’s Live And Let Live, Strong head. Shoulders & upperarm satisfactory. Riblength just acceptable. Good croup. Moved steadily ÖKL 1 KK1 CK BHKL 4 CERT Skarnbro’s Highlander f. 2005-07-18 e. Ch Farmarens Loyal Friend, u. Skarnbro’s Caitlin O’nell, Satisfactory head, levelbite. Shoulders & upperarm a little upright. Overall length versus height, leaves impression of a square dog. High tailset. Moved with high frontaction ÖKL 3 |
Championklass hanar |
CH Alistair’s Amaze Me f. 2002-04-18 e. Ch Alistair’s Lonesome Cowboy, u. Ch Taildown’s Once Upon A Time, Nice head, good eyecolour.Lowelippigment broken. Good shoulder & upperarm. Good riblength & overall balance. Good croup. Moved well. CHKL OPL CK CH Alistair’s Walk Right f. 2000-05-25 e. Ch Potterdale Exellence, u. Ch Alistair’s Have Mercy, Very good head, pigment. Good neck. Very good shoulder & upperarm. Good riblength. Wellbalanced croup. Moved very steadily CHKL 4 CK CH Heather Mist This Is My Life f. 2003-09-04 e. Ch Alistair’s Master Of The Game, u. Ch Heather Mist Eschusha Me, Good head % eye & pigment. Good shoulder & upperarm. Good riblength. Good balance. Good croup. Moved very well. Very well presented CHKL R CK CH DKUCH Highflying No Doubt f. 2004-09-04 e. Ch Certified Moonstruc,k, u. Ch Heather Mist Edge Of Heaven, Good head, pigment, neck & shoulders & upperarm very good. Good rblength & croup. Wellbalanced. Moved well CHKL1 CK BHKL 1 BIM CH Hillbacka Show Business f. 2002-12-03 e Ch Heather Mist Everybody’s Business, u. Hillbacka Peak Performance, Good strong head, good neck. Wellset shloulder & upperarm. Riblength is good & length to heightratio is very good. Good croup. _Moved very well CHKL 3 CK BHKL 3 CH Honeytaste Hot Stuff f. 2003-02-04 e. 99 Ch Farmarens High Commission, u. Ch Beardmarked’s Quite A Lady, Strong head, good picture very good neck, good shoulders & upperarm. He is very well within himself, but I would prefer ribs slightly longer. However presenting a very good picture on the move. Coat is wellpresented CHKL 2 CK BHKL 2 CH Synvillans Power Quest f. 2000-01-15 e. Ch Barkly Quest For Fame, u. Ch Woolpack’s Power Of Love, Strong head, good pigment & neck. Shoulders & upperarm satisfactory. Good riblength. Wellbalanced. Good croup. Moved well but at one point he favoured his left leg CHKL OPL CK |
Veteranklass hanar |
Midnight’s Prince Of Space f. 1998-04-19 e. Ch Alistair’s Master Of The Game, u. Ch Midnight’s Knock On Wood, Good head & neck. Wellplaced shoulder. Good upperarm. Good balance & riblength. Wellset croup. Moved well when settled VETKL 1 CK BIM-VETERAN |
Juniorklass tikar |
Beastly’s Bell Of Aberdour f. 2006-12-06 e. Ch No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron, u. Ch Beastly’s Never Mind, Very nice feminine head. Very good pigment & eyecolour. Exc neck. Very well layed shoulder. Very good upperarm. Length to height ratio just right. Very well angulated rear. Moved very well JUNKL 1 KK CK BTKL 4 CERT Beastly’s Bess Of Kilchurn f. 2006-12-06 e. Ch No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron, u. Ch Beastly’s Never Mind, Head is qquite good. Satisfactory neck. Shoulder & upperarm satisfactory. Overall balance is yet to develop. But with maturity should develop into a more balanced adult. JUNKL 2 Beastly’s Beth Of Balfour f. 2006-12-06 e. Ch No-Nonsense’s Baronbyron, u. Ch Beastly’s Never Mind, Good head & pigment. Neck is satisfactory. Shoulders & upperarm are good. Would prefer longer ribs. But she is wellbalanced within herself. Moved OK JUNKL 1 KK 2 HP Boomtown Butterscotch f. 2006-07-27 e. Seagull Foreign Heartbreaker, u. Boomtown Snowball, Satisfactionary head. Very good lippigment. Satisfactionary neck. Shoulders & upperarm rather upright wich resulted in high actioned front movement. Good croup JUNKL 2 Boomtown Fudge f. 2006-07-27 e. Seagull Foreign Heartbreake,r u. Boomtown Snowball, Satisfactory head. Good pigment & neck. Satisfactory shoulders & upperarm. Satisfactory riblength. Good croup. Just needs to mature. Moved well JUNKL 1 KK 3 HP |
Unghundsklass tikar |
Casanova’s Glory Of Synvillans f. 2006-05-29 e. Ch Synvillans Power Quest, u. Casanova’s Dancing Queen, Nice head, good pigment. Satisfactory neck. Well laid shoulders & upperarm. Riblength is good. Croup is good. Needs to mature in order to become balanced. Moved quite well UKL 1 KK 4 HP Dreamfactory Adelaide f. 2006-01-05 e. Ch Alistair’s Knight Of Gold, u. Shinuba’s Give It A Try, Nice head, good pigment. Satisfactory neck. Shoulders & upperarm are good. Satisfactory riblength. Good croup. A little untidy on the move. Needs to mature UKL 1 KK R HP Honeytaste Wild Fantasi f. 2006-04-08 e. Ch Honeytaste Hot Stuff, u. Midnight’s Zaga, Good head & pigment. Very good neck, shoulder & upperarm. Would prefer ribs slightly longer. Good croup. Moved well UKL 1 KK 2 CK Reinlake’s Zweet Vision f. 2005-12-30 e. Ch Honeytaste Hot Stuff, u. Beastly’s How Zweet You Are Good head & pigment. Exceptionally long neck. Wellplaced shoulders & upperarm. Satisfactory riblength. Croup at present is good. Handler hends to overstretch her. Moved well UKL 1 KK 3 HP Rumängens Dream Catcher f. 2006-01-12 e. Ch Heather Mist Everyone Is A Winner, u.Rumängens Ana-Alicia Satisfactory head. Good pigment. Shoulders & upperarm a little upright. Ribs ataisfactory, but tending towards overangulated at rear, which results in movement which doesn’t reach in front UKL 2 Shinuba’s Jigsaw Pussle f. 2005-11-18 e. Ch Rivermeadow’s Highway Sta,r u. Beardmarked’s Live And Let Live, Very feminine head. Good pigment. Very good neck, shoulders & upperarm well set. Good riblength. Wellset croup. Length to height ratio very good, which allowed her to move very well at the correct speed UKL 1 KK 1 CK Steel Town’s Absolutely Fabulus f. 2006-03-26 e. Ch Typografen’s Jungman Jansson, u. Ch Vargåkern’s Flying Enterprice Satisfactory head. Good pigment, satisfactory neck. Shoulders a little upright. Wellset croup that standing presents a rather square outline. However moved well UKL 2 |
Öppenklass tikar |
Alistair’s For Once In My Life f. 2005-04-12 e. Ch Beardcaper’s Fortune Hunte,r u Ch Alistair’s Quite The Thing, Good head & pigment. Good neck. Shoulders & upperarm. Good croup. Wellbalanced. Moved well ÖKL 1 Alvskogens Shine A Light f. 2005-01-08 e. Ch Synvillans Power Ques, u. Alvskogens Java, Nice head, satisfactory neck. Shoulders & upperarm rather upright. Satisfactory riblength. OK croup, but moved with highlift in front ÖKL 2 Beardmarked’s Namned Tequila f. 2002-08-21 e. Ch Beardmarked’s Celestial Charmer, u. Beardmarked’s Name Of The Game Nice head, good brown pigment. Satisfactory neck. Shoulders & upperarm satisfactory. Good riblength. Satisfactory croup. Moved well ÖKL 1 Beastly’s Made You Look f. 2000-12-15 e. Ch Alistair’s Master Of The Game, u. Beastly’s Highland Eternity, Nice head, good pigment. Satisfactory neck. Shoulders & upperarm rather upright. Riblength satisfactory. Satisfactory croup. But did not reach in the front on the move ÖKL 2 Beastly’s No-No Look Again f. 2004-05-20 e. Ch No-Nonsense’s Xiebert, u. Beastly’s Made You Look, Very good head, very dark eyes. Good neck, well laid shoulder & upperarm. Good riblength. Wellbalanced croup. Moved very well ÖKL 1 CK Beastly’s Perfect Time f. 2005-06-13e. Ch Ballyhoo’s High Time For A Hero, u. Beastly’s Tomorrow Never Knows, Satisfactory head. Good brown pigment. Satisfactory neck. Shoulders rather upright. Ribs OK. Croup not well balanced. Topline not well held, especially standing . Unable to reach in front at the move ÖKL 3 Bonny And Clyde’s Twice As Nice f. 2002-11-10 e. Ch Papaws Yankee Doodle, u. Ch Bonny And Clyde’s Diadem Durcy, Good head & pigment. Good neck, shoulders & upperarm both good. Good riblength. Very wellset croup. Very well balanced. Moved very well ÖKL 1 KK 3 CK Farmarens Word To The Wise f. 2002-03-18 e. Ch Offenbach de Chester, u. Ch Farmarens Icing On The Cake Nice head, good pigment. Satisfactory neck. Shoulders & upperarm rather upright. Riblength OK. Croup is fairly well set, but she doesn’t have overall balanced. Moved OK ÖKL 2 Honeytaste Star Quality f. 2005-04-10 e. Ch Woolpack’s No Matter What, u. ChBeardmarked’s Quite A Lady Very feminine head. Good pigment. Good neck. Well laid shoulder & upperarm. Good riblength. Wellset croup. Wellbalanced Moved very well ÖKL 1 KK R CK Mac Baffi’s Donna Karan f. 2002-10-25 e. Ch Beardmarked’s Celestial Charmer, u. Beastly’s Kick Off, Good head & pigment. Good neck. Well laid shoulder. Good upperarm. Good riblength. Wellset croup. Moved well. ÖKL 1 Nickelbys Out Stand-Ing f. 2001-06-03 e. Ch Heather Mist Everybody’s Business, u. Ch Nickelbys Miss Saigon Good head & pigment. Good neck. Shoulders & upperarm satisfactory. Good riblength. Wellbalanced croup. Moved quite well at correct speed ÖKL 1 KK 4 CK Nickelbys Quite A Lady f. 2004-05-29 e. Ch Nickelbys Nicholas Nickelby, u. Ch Nickelbys Miss Saigon, Satisfactory head, very good eyepigment. Shoulders & upperarm are satisfactory. Ribs not as long as I would like. Good croup. Moved a little untidy ÖKL 2 Shinuba’s Christmas f. 2001-12-19 e. Midnight’s Prince Of Space, u. Ch Beardmarked’s Dream In Colour Good head, very strong pigment. Good neck. Well laid shoulders & upperarm. Good riblength. Wellset croup. Very wellbalanced. Moved very well ÖKL 1 KK 1 CK BTKL R Shorelines Congratulations f. 2002-09-04 e. Ch Highflying Hot To Trot, u. Ch Binbusy Serenade, Good head, good pigment. Good neck, shoulders & upperarm well set. Well set croup. Good riblength. Wel set balance over all. Moved well ÖKL 1 KK OPL CK Skarnbro’s Her Highness f. 2005-07-18 e. Ch Farmarens Loyal Friend, u. Skarnbro’s Caitlin O’nell Good head.Very wellset shloulder & upperarm. Riblength very good. Very good croup. Well balanced. Moved well ÖKL 1 Taildown’s Back In Business f. 2000-02-17 e. Ch Heather Mist Everybody’s Business, u. Ch Taildown’s To Be Or Not To Be Satisfactory head. Shoulders & upperarm also satisfactory. Riblength could be better. Croup satisfactory. Moved quite well but let down by lack of riblength ÖKL 2 Tre’s Lisen f. 2005-05-10 e. Ch Memorylane A Place In The Sun, u. Tre’s Hildur Very feminine head. Good neck. Well laid shoulder & upperarm. Good riblength. Well set croup. Moved very well ÖKL 1 KK 2 CK |
Championklass tikar |
CH Alistair’s Fly Me To The Moon f. 2005-04-12 e. Ch Beardcaper’s Fortune Hunter, u. Ch Alistair’s Quite The Thing Very feminine head. Good pigment. Nice neck, well laid shoulder. Good riblength. Well set croup. Moved very well CHKL R CK CH Beastly’s Never Mind f. 2004-01-08 e. Ch Breaksea Norwegian Wood, u. Beastly’s Tomorrow Never Knows Very good head. Exc. pigment. Very good neck. Well set shoulders & upperarm. Good riblength. Well set croup. Very well balanced. Moved very well CHKL 2 CK BTKL 3 CH Highflying Cheyenne f. 2005-02-03 e. Ch Papaws Photo Finish, u. Ch Highflying As Time Goes By Very good head. Good neck. Well set shoulder & upperarm. Well held topline. Good long ribs. Good croup. Moved very well CHKL OPL CK CH Hillbacka Queen Of Harts f. 2000-04-27 e. Ch Glenspey Of Debora’s Farm, u. Ch Alistair’s Sweet Illusion Very good head. Really good neck. Exc. shoulders & upperarm. Well held topline. Good riblength. Well set croup. Moved very well CHKL 1 CK BTKL 2 SUCH FINUCH Nickelbys On-Going Business f. 2001-06-03 e. Ch Heather Mist Everybody’s Business, u. Ch Nickelbys Miss Saigon Good head & pigment. Good neck. Well set shoulders & upperarm. Riblength is good. Wellset croup. Moved well CHKL 3 CK SUCH Nickelbys Private Collection f. 2004-05-24 e. Ch Heather Mist Everybody’s Business, u. Ch Nickelbys Not For Sale Good head. Very good pigment. Good neck, shoulders & upperarm. Good riblength. Well set croup. Wellbalanced. Moved well CHKL 4 CK |
Veteranklass tikar |
CH Alistair’s Quite The Thing f. 1998-03-02 e. Ch Alistair’s Lonesome Cowboy, u. Ch Artix On The Rocks Very feminine head, super pigment. Exc. neck, shoulders & upperarm very well set. Riblength very good. Exc croup. Completlely balanced. Moved very well. VETKL 1 CK BTKL 1 BIR BÄSTA VETERAN CH Beardmarked’s Dream In Colour f. 1996-04-14 e. Beardranch Azlan, u. Farmarens Charming Carambola Good head & pigment. Nice long neck. Good shoulder & upperarm. Good riblength & croup. Moved well VETKL 4 HP CH Beardmarked’s Hot Hot Hot f. 1999-02-12 e. Midnight’s Nice’n’strong, u. Beardmarked’s Endless Dream Very well presented. Coat in excellent condition. Good head, very good neck. Good shoulders & upperarm. Good riblength. Wellbalanced. A little untidy on he move, but moved quite well overall VETKL 2 CK CH Highflying Lady In Disguise f. 1998-02-21 e. Ch Potterdale Exellence, u. LPI Highflying Perfect Harmony Very well presented coat. Good head & neck. Well set shoulder & upperarm. Losing her topline just a little. Moved well VETKL 3 |
Avelsklass |
Beastly’s Never Mind Beastly’s Ned Of Crichton, Beastly’s Bell OfAberdour, Beastly’s Bess Of Kilchurn, Beastly’s Beth Of Balfour Beautiful mother who did well in the challenge. She has passed on to her children her excellent head & expression. All the children show breedtype & balance AVELSKL 1 HP BÄSTA GRUPP |
Uppfödarklass |
Alistair’s Alistair’s Amaze Me, Alistair’s WalkRight On, Alistair’s Fly Me To The Moon, Alistair’s Quite The Thing Good set all with recognizable type. All good head & expression. Moved very well as a groy. UPPFKL 1 HP Beastly’s Beastly’s Bell Of Aberdour,Beastly’s Beth Of Balfour,Beastly’s No-No Look Again, Beastly’s Never Mind Good group of slates. Exc. Head & expression. All showing the same type. Moved very well as a group UPPFKL 1 HP BÄSTA GRUPP Nickelbys Nickelbys Robert The Bruce, Nickelbys Out Stand-Ing,Nickelbys On-Going Business, Nickelbys Private Collection UPPFKL 1 HP |